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You see what’s forming?
just give up, silly
Yep, cashed out everything in coins, it’s going to be a big sustained drop for btc
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Not until snail bro makes his last post.
what is forming?
still has to hold 63.8k and 64k has been breached
how is picrel related? what did op mean by this?
he thinks the weekly ema 7 will hold and then btc get to test ath
lower highs and lower lows
this, it needs to form a high low here
I see we have our resident TA master here, speaking as if an asset never made a lower low into a high or ATH
Based bull flag
I agree with the bullish thesis. was expecting a retest of the low 60s this week before pushing up again.
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Giga bull flag for a Giga bull run
Inverse head and shoulders. I wished for this two weeks ago and drew it on my chart. BTC now follows my lines. I am the admin in this timeline.
>Inverse head and shoulders. I
what's the head? july 1?
Yes, on the weekly.
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See you at 20k, bulltard.
We have to make it to 69k for the head to be complete and then move on to form the right shoulder. If we close below the liquidity zone of 63k and it becomes resistance then inverse head and shoulders will not form and we will have a lower high with will likely lead to a lower low of 51k. I'm still bullish as low as 46k since that's still parabolic from the 22 bear market low and in line with other cycles as well as pushing the cycle top back to later in 2025 instead of blowing up q4 this year or q1 2025.
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It does look eerily close, but that neckline is iffy
this garbage is just destined to bounce from 63 to 68, the absolute turbohitler dump that will occur precisely when (we) reach 75k will shatter the market
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You're looking at the wrong place. Zoom out.
ah yeah that makes more sense
did the market price in the OG miner that has over 500k BTC hidden in over 10000 wallets that just woke up today?
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Don't believe the false inverse head and shoulders.
It's a lie. A bait to trick people into buying the top again.
people still don't trust the progress aint they? dca vesta all in the btc, 100k nexta
patience pays, condescendence doesn't
Is that a weekly inv hs forming the last macro shoulder in the quarterly?
I knew it was fractals
head & should (inverse)
Just 50k
ok, i see a downward parallel channel on the weekly and daily. what do you see?

i was hoping we would test the midpoint but guess not
I see a bull flag
seeing those green lines just brings a smile to my face, they make it worth the amount of money I put in and the sacrifice my $brainlet took for this
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Fuck the weekly, bro, have you seen the motherfucking big juicy tits on the 1hr??
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Let's be honest, the BTC v USD on the weeky is just obscene. #BTC Big Tits UWU
I don’t mind the small dips in the coins, as I know diamond holders will be rewarded. For now, I’m focused on participating in DePIN projects that are building on the Peaq network.
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>Fuck the weekly, bro, have you seen the motherfucking big juicy tits on the 1hr??
you talking about these milkers?
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68.5k double top and a dump to 50k?
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Big bouncies.

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