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hard facts, nigga
>inb4 21 vs 120 millon supply
but imagine if someone actually uses this shittoken chain
the day ethmaxis started attacking bitcoin instead of looking behind at all the thousands of alts cascading towards them was the day ethereum lost

nobody survives attacking the Master coin
>t. btcmaxi
who still owns more eth than you
So is ETH a shitcoin or what? Every day that passes by, I'm convinced that BTC is the only crypto that actually matters in the long run
You are finally getting enlightened after all these years
A digital bing bing yahoo selling for thousands of dollars that the foundation created by clicking a mouse. if the dollar is worth the paper it is printed on, efferbum is worth nothing.
>b-but muh TVL
doesn't mean shit
I was a maxi. Now, for me, it's BTC and LUNC.
No, it's obviously not a shitcoin. It's arguably the most legitimately useful chain of all.
btcmaxis always have the worst takes in these threads, I have to think it's just a subtle influence campaign intended to make bitcoiners look retarded
It's only use is making other useless coins.
Unfortunately most people are retarded, so the constant propaganda from bitcoin maxis are actually working. Their long-term smear campaign against Ethereum has been enormously successful, there are probably literally millions of people out there right now thinking Ethereum is shit without even truly knowing anything about Ethereum, just because bitcoiners told them the same lie about it enough times.
>BTC is the only crypto that actually matters
The circle is complete once you come to this conclusion.

You start with crypto by buying BTC.
You venture into "alts" like ETH and other top 20 stuff as you get a bit more comfortable.
You move into shitcoins as you think you can get a 10000x as you know know a fair bit about crypto.
You move back into alts because you fall for shit like "utility" and try to be super clever (you aren't).
You move back into 100% BTC because you realise this is the only one that matters.
Check the ETHBTC chart.

The market has spoken, it doesn't want a dino shitcoin.
Metheads celebrating their new shitcoin ETF.
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This. Basically all competing L1s and Bitcoin companies have massive incentives to smear Ethereum. Bitcoin maximalism/cultism has spread so much it's seriously damaging all crypto. They keep touting the libertarian ideals of freedom, openness, trustlessness, decentralization, self-sovereignty etc. but when it's any other project than Bitcoin doing it, it's bad because it doesn't pump their bags or is "impure" in some way. Bitcoin and Ethereum are 99% the same but some people just love to focus on that 1% like it's 100%. They should go hate central banks and bad authority-loving politicians if they need to hate something.
>It's not ME that's wrong, it's the market that's wrong!
Unironically yes. I don't know if you've been asleep your whole life but the market constantly makes mistakes. In recent years it has even gone full clown mode.

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