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Endless fucking cycle.
Work less, get in good physical shape. I just four days a week now and it has done wonders for my wellbeing
because the market fucking midwits
i need a 5x inmediately but this si so fucked up because i coudl be rich if i went all in 6 months ago fuckit
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clean it up wagie
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eat healthy, make an effort to cook and eat if you are a depressed fag who doesn't even feel hungry. Accept losses and move on. webm rel to boost your test
>wake up
>farm airdrops from the unicorn chain
>be racist online
maybe i should pick up a hobby or do some exercise i think im going insane
>Posts wagie wojak
>Makes vague statement in subject
>Insults others' intelligence when they misinterpret the intention of the thread
>farm airdrops from the unicorn chain
what the fuck is the unicorn chain
i feel bad too. i'lm getting skinny because i can't eat anymore, all the food tastes like shit, all i can eat now is yogurt and fruit and sweet stuff, meat makes me sick to my stomach.
I'm sick.
I'm a flip.gg gambler
I'm so tired bros.
You’re replying to a spam bot who’s trying to rope you into their scam. Just I go ore it
fat fucks are not attractive
>b-b-but her bobs
zoom out camera pig
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Take the fat pill, anon. Imagine the possibilities. Your penis will send you a thank you note later
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just trade shitcoins.
superverse, brainlet. two solid picks.
>noo i will lose money nooo shitcoins bad noo
instant gratification if done properly. can be done in the background without much thought, can even be mostly automated. you really don't need a lot of brainpower to do it and the money you can make IF DONE PROPERLY will provide some high quality dopamine. exactly what you need.
vaxx status?
You get over it when you get good at your job.
Move your feet faster.
Your muscles stop being sore after 2 weeks.
Take ibuprofen or whatever if you have to.
~$500 a week is a lot of money and buys a lot of upgrades a neet has been foregoing.
But yeah, when I started I could barely eat lunch before work.
Well, buying $jeoing737 will not cure you, but at least you'll be ill and with money
hmm let me try some of this
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I notice I shake a little now, and I don't notice it until someone points it out to me, most people say it's stress but I have no fucking idea how to deal with it, I only know how to look at the $marv chart and make grilled cheese sandwiches
I will never forget when I first started working at Starbucks at 17, I would feel so ill I'd almost throw up multiple times from stress and exhaustion at getting up at like 5am

It did go away. But that awful dread did not
Praised be Kek

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