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Streaming Live
XRP 2.0
fuck off with your shitty dead 2017 alt
its over
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nobody is saying "$1000 END OF YEAR!!!" it's over
is this sergey's grandmother or what
This Angie Walker really knows her shit, it has to be said. Impressive. I can see why she got the job.
Sergey likes his HR roasties well done.
If you haven't already, don't forget to shit on the street.
ghando probably has received more link in his compensation package than most people here have
and they completely rugged any mentions of build rewards to stakers
remember Q1 product update when working on building a claim portal was their top priority
betrayed yet once again
wao bros imagine the airdrop from staking our link for this long
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They replaced Kemal with Kid from Kid n Play.
LINK is dumping like a rock and all of the shills are gone
really makes you think
>implying you've ever actually thought about anything in your life
It's never had shills. You're a Q-anon conspiracy nut.
how many of the Build projects have token issuances?
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Grammsy McRich
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>just 6 more months
i'm so tired
i'm not focusing on being poor anymore but strictly focusing on being rich next year. there it is folks
funny how this lines up exactly with the end of the bull market. The fat ass knows exactly what hes doing.
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FUD sisters... our time is short...
Me too. Home run now. Our lives will change so much. Hope we're all ready. It's going to change quickly. You got anything in mind you want to do first? Holiday? Car? House? Model railway?
Yep. We’re getting fucked again.
also notice how this doesn't address tokenomics in any way at all?
link is a bear market coin
Mortgage free home, a holiday for me and the family. Then start a business.
anybody know how the link fees for nav data works?

if the nav data is pulled every day, or every few hours, or who knows how often the market requires it to be updated in order for it to be compliant, then how much is charged per data pull? genuinely asking
This would be good to know. I was under the impression it would be pulled a lot more than once a day but maybe that's wrong.
at 4 mins the guy says more news on nav data in coming "weeks and months"
it's free to access, just a read function
they will pay cll in USD for the service though
it isn't read only, dtcc is the provider, or sourcer, of the data and ccip updates it.
the question was how often is the nav data pulled and how do the fees work for it... can't be updated every minute and pay a ccip fee of 0.25 cents every minute, that's just not feasible and does away with any efficiency gain.
just not fees-able?
yep absolute worse case scenario no pump in the bull market, reduced dump in the bear so you cant even swing it effectively
the betrayals are limitless
Nice just in time for the financial meltdown after evil trumps win causes le greatest dump in history
The physiognomy in this video is absolutely wretched, if this is who is running LINK we are done for
>A crypto having extremely bullish news in the mid-long term means it cant and wont abide ups and downs in the normal crypto cycle. Not only will it not go up with everything else, it will actually go DOWN. Because of this bullish news about it. When it already has 100xd through past cycles while having 0 news.

Fuddies are literally brain-damaged at this point at will lash out at any possible thread of "logic" to fud link
How is it bullish? The Sygnum scam article couldn't pump the price, you think this will too?

News hasn't been bullish for link since 2018. Even so how will this increase token price? It won't. Sergey will keep subsiding and dumping.
Bull markets happen a year after the halving. This year is the pre-amble sparked by ETFs. FFS CZ is still in jail. Early 2025 would line up with the spring hype going into the summer crash and the fall retard phase. But we know they'll be late, so you're probably right. It will line up with the 2026 profit taking to cover tax liabilities.
there's no 2025 bullrun, faggot
cryptos dead
Youngest linkholder
>causes le greatest dump in history
crypto dumping won't matter by then as Link's utility will ensure constant demand for the token, which you know but like to pretend you don't.
>will ensure
sure buddy, 2 more decades
>trust me
hmm sure- i value the opinion of some mouthbreathing jeet on 4chan over that of Angie Walker, the global head of banking and capital markets at Chainlink. kek, and hurr gurr indeed
>muh appeal to authority
kek, what the fuck did you expect her to say?
most gullible retards on crypto by far
it's not an appeal to authority. what she's saying aligns with everything i'm seeing elsewhere, including what multiple institutional grade organisations, including Swift, are saying. What you're saying aligns with nothing I see anywhere, except from random fudders from Pakistan or wherever your mud hut is. Heeding your advice would be an appeal to idiocy.
but I didn't give you any advice
are you ok pal?
on the contrary, you're the one who's begging anons to buy your shitcoin because "she said so dude!!"
>2 more decades!
30 mins later
>b..b.. bbut I didn't give you any advice and y..you shouldn't listen to angie walker b..b..because... just because!
listen to yourself you drooling mongol lol get a grip
bullish news doesn't pump the price. Liquidity does faggot
he did this already with the ccip delay. the timing wasnt on accident.
I expressed doubt in your conviction, anon, you can stop sperging out now lmao
thanks for playing, kid. run along, now ;)
kek, you're genuinely retarded
what you're seeing will not benift you personally at all. They are still yet to work on value of the token going up. They wont do it anytime soon either because of (insert X reason they make up)
I benefit (personally) from FUDDIES seething.
I bought chainlink not for money. I spent money on chainlink to inflict pain and suffering on fudsters because it makes me laugh.
you need professional help
>I burn my money because I believe totally random people from across the world are affected by my financial losses
in that case I won't stop fudding your bags, ever
this is some 11/10 cope.

i mean wow you're like the complete opposite of me - i sold at $50 and now i laugh at retard bag holders who let sergay poop in their mouth and think that a 3 cycle old coin is going to continue to rip while it drops to less than the cost of the big macs they have been funding for them since 2017.

at what point is too much cucking? are we about to achieve levels of quantum cucking that may change our understanding of physics forever?
me too, this is only further fuel to the fire. i sleep so well at night knowing that there are retards proving the bell curve right yet again.

the only thing that makes me feel even slightly bad is that the bagholders are probably all vaxxed multiple times and between the blood clots and gene therapy they probably aren't able to fully articulate reality.
>literally timing it just in time for the bullmarket to end

You ready to baghold for yet another cycle while zoomies buy houses in 2025 with their frogcoin gains?
random shitcoin sends out fake news of a potential partnership price literally doubles instantly, even after the fakeness was discovered it still maintained some of its gains
at the same time link does real and confirmed news after news price reacts -3% every time

it makes absolutely no sense accept that it is being suppressed massively by market makers that are even turning a profit this whole time so their manipulation power grows
so link will not pump in excess of the market until its real usage by the partners is so great it cant be stopped or sergey runs out of tokens to dump
both signs now point to this not being the case this btc bull cycle meaning we are looking forward to hairpulling underperformance while garbage like sol flies
but go ahead keep denying the reality that sergey is timing this exactly to prevent a pump and not upset the sensibilities of his boomer bankers
>LINK is dumping like a rock
Just bought more and chilling in my MetaMask wallet. $50 is the goal — no need to keep hitting refresh. Push Protocol's got me covered with the updates.
nobody got rich with frog coins
show me 1 person
just 1
You cooked his ass
You got cooked
He won't because there is none (except for the shitcoin founder). These fudniggers will try and deceive you with the shiny thing syndrome, and compel you to sell your links to chase the casino. Yeah good luck fudniggers.

Traffic is at ATL and its been 3 years already. The only thing you achieved was missing the official staking pool LMAO
end of bullmarket will be december 2025
based and fuddies will cope
pay down mortgage, buy a new car for my wife and a sports car for myself, million dollar stock portfolio, start a business LFG marines
get fucked shizo
27:16 she is talking about TXSE. big if true
I'm never going to be rich with this shit.
Yup. Was a no brainer all along. Imagine trying to fud the biggest institutions I'm the world. Gonna buy some more Link tonight for the sheer hell of it. Don't need it but why not.
Don't forget that years ago the fud was that NONE of this would ever happen, and yet here we are.
Jesus fucking Christ. If this isn't the best money making opportunity practically ever, I don't know what is.
PLEASE bookmark/screenshot this and show it 1 year from now. Link at $13 in mid-2024 is insane. The streets truly are paved with gold at this point. Unbelievable.
I think you’re right, anon. Good catch.
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WAGMI boys
good catch, and very big if true

it is a crazy to see all this out in the open like this
crypto distorts everyone's sense of time and perspective and you have to remember that it was only june 2023 that swift indicated just how integral they saw chainlink

until that point i thought hey maybe this doesn't work out but ever since then it has been hard not to be very bullish

at the end of the day we will all look back at this time fondly even though it can be rough right now. the story is a good one, the fud even now just adds to it. the dead projects simply have no one talking about them
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stink bad cuz stink bad
you sure anon? please show me how she talks about TXSE
her interview was bullish anyway
Pickers of cotton,?
It wasn't bullish at all. This poor grandma got tricked by Sergey to work for him.
>we didnt do anything wrong but somehow we lost
>I was starting to doubt all the speculative breadcrumbs until I saw another vague, speculative "what if" article
this is your brain on chronic bagholding
"the new digital type exchanges, I think we have a big role to play with respect to data oracles, and for connectivity into web3 and defi because that brings liquidity into new regulated digital asset exchanged from outside of the traditional tradfi world"
>Youngest linkholder
haha, nice
crumbs are getting weaker and weaker
>just keep hodling, k? trust me, 6 more months and the enterprise abstraction layer should be live!!!
>eerrr I meant just 6 short months guise, and I promise you no more PoCs!!!
should i just sell and pay off my car? i shoulda sold at 40, then 20 but yeah I'm a retard. i cant lose money I've been holding this shit since below a dollar
that's what it always do. I sold all for SUPRA crowdsale.

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