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Do you hold APU? Why or why not?
I hold APU because I'm retarded
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me too fren, me too
because fiat money is a scam and i like the small frog
You'll rug again that's why
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Yes. I boughted on day 1 :)
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Dangerously based.
What happens in september bros? Should I be worried? I'm quite literally all in on apu and I only make like $1200 per month so I need this shit to moon
No, I'm holding his brother $marv
Because it's pretty new and slurpable, there's no other response
>What happens in september bros?
I'll explain, but this will be for 90% of crypto.
>New ATH after bitcoin trump speech Saturday
>Inevitable market correction
>Good while of crabbing
>Get to September and fear dumping (buy time)
>Everyone will cry "rug pull"
>Retards that sold will fomo back in after new exchange listings and the 2025 bitcoin pumpings
Many such cases.
Yes. I bought day one.

I'm capable of understanding that Pepe and Apu are in fact two different frogs.
So should I sell in late august?
Absolutely not, because i made all that up so you would read the 1st letter of all the green text. :^)
I'm not sure I follow
I accumulated another 400M APU during the dip and not gonna sell ever.
Dump that shit and wait for SUPRA tge
Not yet, I need to see more frogs to consider letting go of my kendu inu, after all I lost a lot because of those green shits
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Yes of course, along with his son Baby Apu
Nope, I don’t hold that gem. It’s better to focus on projects with working products, like Brillion, where DUA has multiple utilities within the ecosystem.
I hold $APU and $PEPO
I hold APU, PEPE, and also hold Xtz and Push Protocol.
Your bag looks a bit boring anon. Consider adding Peaq, as it brings real-world applications to the table.
Actually he should add PEEPU, because it's the chinese Peepo. Git owned fat fuck!
Yes, brought day 2 and it's looking like my best buy in years
Its 200m mc. Same thing with most cabal tokens. Why buy the literal top?
To risk what little I do have on it is not worth it, considering I can gamble on other shitcoins and potentially make 10x in a fraction of the time I'd have to be a baggie in this token.
I would buy otherwise. I like the meme. I'm sidelined unless there is a giga dump to sub 50m, then maybe its worth swinging for a quick 4x.
I typically dont baghold what biz begs me to hold either, I have seen what you guys think is good for weeks quickly dump into oblivion in a single day.
Last cycle this kind of maniacal bagholding got the better of me and I just dont trust biz not to giga dump on me.
Good luck though, I'm sure the guys who bought a few billion for a couple hundred bucks are going to make it. Not so sure about the rest though.

Midwit take
Yeah desu 99.9% of biz shitcoins dont get sponsored by professional sports teams lmao. I think APU has transcended shitcoin status at this point
>get sponsored by professional sports teams

anon, it's the other way around.
I got £17k out of it from a tiny initial, that's covered my rent for a year and a half. If nothing else APU gave me 18 months to save and invest some money without throwing it down a hole
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nigger token run by faggot downs syndrome artists, wouldn't buy this dogshit if you paid me to and you're all retards, there's no "frens" in crypto your spastic dumbfuck retard it's a marketing gimmick to get you buy in based on a sense of false camaraderie so they can permadump massive bags bought under 1M. If you buy this dogshit now you unironically have brain damage.
Which one?
old fag spotted
I dumped it for NPC and I'm 3x up ever since, I will soon flip the profit into AUKI once it goes live.

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