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I am getting paid peanuts and If I don't find a way to make actuall money I will be living paycheck to paycheck and on the verge of going broke for the rest of my life. I would need to save up for decades to save up for a stupid house.
The only reason I want to "make it" is to never worry about money again and to be dependend on no one besides God. I hate being bossed around. I do not want to be a slave, I want complete freedom.
I do not even want anything extra, I do not even need fancy luxuries.
am living paycheck to paycheck and I indeed want to die
I'm almost 30 and dead broke, if I had a gun I would have done it by now
even coming on /biz/ and seeing people with hundreds of thousands and even the odd millionaires gives me a primal urge to slam my head into a counter corner until it's paste
"I want" doesn't get, chud.
>The only reason I want to "make it" is to never worry about money again and to be dependend on no one besides God.

damn you should never ever be given freedom
It's important to have just a tiny drop of hope fren, there has to something to hang on to.
Who cares just buy Dogecoin and be happy.
I thought everyone on /biz/ was making seven figures.
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>dumbass comes to a realization that he has to work to get things

I'd blame you for being a dumbass, but then I realize that schools today give you 50% for doing nothing, so the system is partially to blame.

You can get a home today essentially for free. But you are an entitled little bitch who wants to start on 3rd base.
i have 420k and live with my mom like a monk, i never go out

do you realize a shitty house costs like 400k? I need at least 2 million

to get a decent shitty neet income you need 1 million, the rest I would invest on a nice house

fuck this shit mate, getting a 3x is fucking impossible, since i cannot be 100% invested anyway, since i need to keep a % to pay for some expenses as i dont have a job

>inb4 wagieee

nope. i need to 4x this FUCK
2 million? You need at LEAST 3.5 million before you leave your parents house.
I don't have a single skill and I'm 75 years old. Crypto is the only way.
i hope you die, anon
I feel you, anon
I even got a non cucked stem degree and it fucking sucks
I'll have worked my whole life just to gamble on funny yellow dog money and then retire
Its going to be a funny story to tell my grandkids some day
no anon, I'm happy to be part of this capitalist circle in which I have to spend my money on things like Superverse in order to be part of the “cool” club

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