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Bitcoin is never going to beat those allegations that its only used from crime and extremist terrorism.
Only retard lefties think this.
And that's a good thing.
Those retard lefties will think bitcoiners are evil for not giving them free bitcoin.
trump already scammed me once with Trump cards... i want crypto to succeed but if the pump relies on trump then its best to dump
Scammed? I bought 5 at release, sold 3 for 3k and hold two that are still up 3x from release price. You sound like a chronic top buyer.
im talking about trump cards series 2. also youre lying the real price of series 1 is lower. basically everyone was scammed
You don't sound too smart XD.
I had hopes with Trump because after he got shoot he was looking like a legend, but instead of sounding presidential and mature he is again sounding like a clown

Now they will get this Nigress pander for black women (american women) and homos and Trump will lose. She will also be too fast in a debate after being used to Biden. Fucking hell. I just need a 4x got damnet.
this. this is all they are, boiled down
Some people actually fell for the tomato paste on his face. People really do like clowns.
>he doesn’t know about SBF - FTX Ukraine
top signal, unironically
dumbest thing I've read today
You really are just fucking retarded, everyone I knew made bank with trump cards. Maybe just don't buy the top like a leftist.

the release WAS the top, because it was an actual scam
How did i 30x my money then?
>I bought 5 at release, sold 3 for 3k
youre just making shit up at this point
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I have an idea guys, a based idea. Why don't you sell all your bitcoins and then kill Donald Trump? Markets will definitely collapse and you can buy cheapies at 8k. Manipulating the markets is literally that easy
Trump speaks at the Bitcoin conference tomorrow
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Leftism as a whole is a crab bucket race to the bottom.
That's why shitlibs churn out tons of cope articles about how exercise and healthy lifestyles are racist and should be abolished.
If you ever end up in a commie shithole like Reddit, it's a bunch of nu-males debating the ethics of physical fitness, outdoor activities, or gardening – things they deem "toxic" and fascist-coded.
People who support leftism are probably poor, unsuccessful, and were bullied as kids.
They want to drag everyone down to their level, hence why they want to remove math from schools, make everyone dumb, and allow crackheads and pedos to roam free.
So you’re saying it’s a perfect candidate to replace the dollar?
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No way this is true, it must be supreme trolling; also math is chinese supremacist
It's 100% true, but a lot of the left wing news sites have done damage control and scrubbed the internet following backlash.
It was around 2021 or so: shitlibs were arguing that getting correct answers in math was racist, and rags like USA Today and MSNBC were tweeting about how math was racist.
Following the backlash, they deleted the tweets, edited the articles, and Redditards did damage control by using mental gymnastics to claim the "math is racist" thing was taken out of context.
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>that sub-header about "getting the right answer"
what the actual fuck lmao
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I know jannies don't like politics on this board, but who cares: it's an election year, and shitlibs make piss me the fuck off with their incessant faggotry and dumbfuckery.
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Thanks for the image. It's not like this thread matters anyway, bitcoin still sucks so we're really just in another cope n' mope shitfest

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