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say it stinkies. say you made a mistake purchasing the chainlink investment. i want to hear you cope and squirm like a bitch
purchasing chainlink was the best decision of my life
lies. filthy, stinky lies.
My smug Muslim wife Miriam or something
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thank allah i bought link instead of those other shitcoins
I have made a 30x return on my Chainlink investment at the current price of 12.55 United States Dollars per token. Thanks to my Chainlink investment, I have cashed out more than 600% of my initial deposit and used the proceeds to purchase a home for my family.
Thanks to Chainlink, the future of my lineage is secured and I am eternally grateful.
why would some shitskin from Lebanon even post on the biz forum anyway?
you subhumans are poor af lmao
you want me to sell???

bump :}
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I made a mistake purchasing the chainlink investment
I retired from wagecucking forever because of chainlink
good. doesn't it feel great to say the truth? :}

lies won't make you feel better, sweetie
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Only the truth can set me free
Chainlink turned me into a flaming faggot. I just got back from the bathhouse where two older men topped me..
chainlink, kendu, and apu have been my best investments ever. probably similar for most people here. except i found kendu on r3ddit
Palestine will never exist and you'll never be a woman or look like that tranime pic
are you jewish?
I messed up with Chainlink, bought at ATH in 2021 without doing enough research. Should’ve been smarter about it, learned the hard way and became more cautious.
later, I DCA’d at around $8 and also picked up some Solana, Doge, and NAI at low prices to boost my gains.
chainlink was not a mistake, it was a psyop

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