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What the fuck? Forgot 2.3M$ mcap shitcoin getting so much hate, it’s unreal. What am I missing biz?
what fud? it's just stupid gay jeets shilling this garbage. kill yourself.
Dang, why does this make you seethe so much lmao.
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It's a very based coin, simple as
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We will not go quietly into the night!
We will not vanish without a fight!

>FUCK EVERY ONE OF YOU FUD FAGS.. you better run.


>Child rape/grooming, beating video on twitter soon.
>Ryan sold and crashed bitcoin, all in CHAINLINK
>Mike the kike is a literal Hebrew lizard kitten eater from saturn
>Christian persecution token, Jesus wept.
>Known scammers running the CTO
>Satanic witch casting spells to end your marriage, and flacid your tool.
>Mossad runs LINU to fund Hamas
>All OGs sold the top
>KEK Baggies
>Only new guys working, oldfags abandoned token
>You will never be APU, or A-Poo..
>HowGayBot cant count that high, needs UINT64 integers.
>Still love Bill Coward
>All casino bank sent directly to mikes wallet, money sent to DPRK
>Will never finish, four hundred moar weeks (XRP-style)
>Nobody will play, we have a little dick, its pathetic..
>We have to lie to women to get laid
>Would a spy pee himself up?
>Threaten Ryan's family
>Brothers in Christ denied Nazi Church by jews
>Telegram trannies
>Casino has no money
>Forget LINU, its dead.. slide into BIZ Approved JEETRUG 5.0 (tm)
>Spaced stole all the money
>Too long response.. smelled desperate
>LINU turbo baggies will never be in profit..
>WOMEN KILL ANY CRYPTO PROJECT.. better to burn witches.
>Wallet drainer made by LINU to FUD LINU
>Brothers in christ are relentless loosers, but cant corner the Dorner
>WEBM's blocked by hash
>Crypto Brothers in Cuckoldry
>Brothers in Cowardry
>Peasants in Crypto
>Poors in Crypto
>Another sad excuse for a "Christian" man who spends his miserable days on this earth hating holders of a dogcoin microcap.
>3rd wife
>Hates his current wife
>Porn addict, coomer
>Thinks he's Christian
>Thinks he's "conservative"
>Still going to uni/college at 42
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Know your place cunt.
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Holy based, remember why we're here homies
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I wish BTC would get its shit together so we can do this thing again. Feb was so much fun.

They literally implemented email verification to shut us down (mostly because they hate me specifically and hate when I make millions).
Kek baggies. I lurk your TG and it's full of fucking desperation lmao. You know it's dead when baggies are being delusional and trying to get other baggies to buy their bags. Archville or whatever his name already left as well.
We're going to the moon
Lucky inu (dead shitcoin) will gigapump before Linu with the jew in charge
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Dont go into TGs. The attract weak, lonely people who substitute grouping for conviction.

LINU is cool because of its central value proposition: it is the last of the coins guaranteed to have good distribution.
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10/10 schizoposting
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Rate my bags bros
I somehow agree with this. I love Linu, but sometimes the telegram gives me headache. But yeah, the coin is dope.
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stick to what makes you happy, avoid the negative
Once the TG got traction LINU threads turned into shit flinging against other coins.
How do we avoid that? Should we create another LINU community?

Fun fact, most of the dumbass there who annoys other coins hold a 100$ of LINU.
because you pretend like a dogshit getting hate is "unreal"
you have 3rd worlder spelling too "Forgot 2.3"
Nah man, strongly disagree. If you were hanging out with these boys you would know that what’s happening to LINU is batshit crazy. Especially for a 2.5M coin. Idk if some people want us out to buy as much as they can, being the coin basically a huge pool of liquidity.
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The greatest feeling on Earth is knowing that you will eventually buy my heavy bags at premium prices and FOMO at the very top because your irrational hatred of LINU would deny you a better entry.. When we moon, we will be all over and you will be unable to resist the FOMO.

Your hate guarantees that you will eventually transfer value to my accounts.. you cant stop it

Whenever you like Mike or not, you can’t deny he’s going S tier work.
Make me rich, homie.
Well, damn it. This is the intro the slot machine game, am I correct? How will that work? I read something about a QR code?
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>brothers in Christ lives in my head Rent free because they hurt my Fee fees
>wow why are you looking at my CP folder!!?!
Cope, he literally a kike lol
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This works exactly like an exchange.. no wallet linking, accounts or private keys. The game presents a QR code for LINU deposit. This deposited amount shows up in your LINU balance. when you cash out the net amount is returned to the depositing address. simple.

Obviously this LINU does not get deposited into the "KIKE" personal account for rapid rugging.. this casinu is a community effort, and ALL profits go into the community multysig wallet for marketing or are burned. If you actually fall for this mind numbing fud, you deserve to remain a poorfag.
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You are pathetic and are clearly terrified of us.. your desperation and panic is on display for all to see.

Here is the classic merchant view so you can update you butt-hurt folder. Please tell me more about the forehead slope and lack of pre-frontal cortex.. Ive missed you.

>You could not even identify a jew if your life depended on it KEK
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Really? That’s not what you said you fucking faggot.
>I am in control of the funds until my casino is fully funded

You’re untrustworthy.
Nobody is terrified of LINU that’s besides that point lol. People especially young women and children are terrified of you, you could make LINU go up to whatever number you want but you’ll still be a creep and a child molestor who will be exposed ultimately.
You realize that by your target being both doxed and innocent.. and by you making such an accusation in public forum.. you are actually subject to discovery, which includes and is not limited to geolocation and court subpoena... You think you can do this without consequence... but what you are doing is actually a serious crime.
>consequences will NEVER be the same.
Oh no Mike the kiddy diddler is going to call the internet police!
Yeah, I am absolutely going to get my startup money returned.. how is this an issue.. you think I should loose tens of thousands to develop this, and work for free?

The casino funds come from MY PERSONAL LINU supply.. and I will have it returned to me.. where is the issue?
Just give up nobody likes you. LINU would be ultimately better dropping dead weight like you who only tries to toot your own horn instead of bettering the LINU project. The hype is gone, nobody outside of LINU will ever play your game, you’ll die a sad lonely old man inside your funko pop lair listening to K-pop and hearing Emilia’s tranny voice after you get booted from your project for touching kids.
Man, why exactly you seethe so much about a community effort for a CTO token? Lmao, you’re terrified of what? This somehow makes me extremely bullish. I’ll remind you that for now we are taking about a 2.5M cto token, but apparently this will be pretty huge based on your pathetic fud attacks alone.
it's probably just bad karma you guys have accumulated fudding APU that came back haunting you
Love me some crypto tribalism
Who gives a fuck about Apu man come on
We never FUD Apu. Only time we did was when we got raided by them. It was mostly Bill Howard who started attacking them
I give up.. Bill and Sven, and the Brothers in Christ you can return to the telegram, its over.. I have had enough of the abuse.. you win.
Oh the coin may be huge one day, you however are dead weight and are a kiddy diddler. Nothing against LINU, it’s just you.
Chill with the kid stuff. No need to go there and make false claims. Fud is but don’t go that low.
I think they’re literal losers bro. And afraid as fuck too, lmao. Sven is constantly roid raging because his dick can’t penetrate properly her wife, which might be eyeballing someone else at this point, bill… bill is just dumb as fuck and has a micro stack too, aside from a micro penis. We will win big and send some spare change to get their shit together, lmao.
>it was only bill Howard
No that was literally Mike and Arch, Bill never talked about APU as far as I know, it was chiyyun that disbanded the Brothers in Christ and it was Mike that couldn’t shut up about APU and how he was on a mission to destroy them for some reason.
No nigger it was Bill. Go fuck yourself.
Uuuh based? I do believe it was bill too
>no please you must listen to my own definition of mortality and proper conduct on an anonymous business forum
I heard about sven too being a roid head…loser. lol.
Anyway, the guy hit the wall when he started promoting duck or some shit like that.
10 posts of fud against a skilled bro that’s probably going to get us rich as fuck while you masturbate to cuck porn
K keep me posted. You do realize the more you push against anything that can be construed as “fud” and get more enraged over it more people are going to want to fuck with you lol
How could I be enraged to a cuck, if anything I feel pity
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Seems like Mike has a hard on for seething to bill lol
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Congratulations on this, seriously. You have earned so much bad karmic energy, you’ll probably get rekt in the next week
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Second part.
My thought,
You are all dick heads, but Mike for sure had it coming by being doxxed online on this mentally ill board. I do not condone his behaviour of leaving everyone in the shit, but luckily LINU will survive regardless.
Yeah not cool. I mean, as far as I know the Casinu was almost complete. Right?
Throwing in the towel now makes no sense whatsoever, even more so because of these fuddies.
Godspeed to him, but not cool at all. You don’t leave homies like that. I suppose maybe he’s just a bit lunatic? like, I get that he’s frustrated by these morons. However, people were really trusting him at this point… onto the next Linu adventure, then.

Make sure to add this to the Linu iceberg. lol.
Hey guys Arch here. Idk how to prove its me because you guys dont know much about me really.
Anyways I deleted my telegram because:
>LINU will be fine without me
I was only really there to make memes and janny. I have faith in it still
>Dont want to be targeted
Harassment is lame, especially when I havent been active for months and the guys attacking me are literal cucks (timestamped kek) over the age of 40.
>I dont want to get hacked
Since Rabbi got his tg hacked I felt like deleting my tg honestly.
That motherfucker Spaced or someone he knows is probably behind that.
>APU still hates me and FUDs LINU everyday because of me
The hate is completely unjustified because I stopped talking about APU after it rugged. I only warned about Palladius rugging and I was right.
Everyone told me I was wrong and to shut the fuck up and then I was right and everyone was silent.
I have given apology after apology but they still pin this to LINU and me. They really need to learn how to give up their hate and admit that it is what it is and its behind everyone now.
Its extremely bullish for LINU that APU still posts that dumb "You will never be LINU" shit unironically in their tg all the time, as if its happening just now.
Like damn I like APU the meme even, but I just didnt like Palladius the "DEV". No need to take it out on the coin, bad faith faggots.
It was LINU fudders and bad actors who continued the APU crusade for no reason, giving them the illusion of opposition when we had moved on.

Fuck all you faggots who live to hate LINU. Ogun thunderstrike you mumu niggers.
You'll die of old age before you ever make it, fuddies.
I wish only the best for LINU, APU, AVI, and whatever else token this board thinks they can make it on. Except LINK. Fuck LINK.

>Please wait a while or verify your email address
this site sucks btw
Based Arch. Maybe we should create a LINU special operation and pump this shit to the moon, without that fucking Casinu too.
also I was in 50 tgs and several shitcoins but I guess me deleting my telegram means that I hate LINU specifically? absolutely bad faith fud.
If you see fud involving me its not me, I will never be using the name archvile again. I picked it on a whim when making my tg, not because I use it all the time everywhere.
Godspeed LINU homies.

Fuck Bill Howard/Joeseph Kony, fuck SVEN LAMBO you non natty spiteful faggot, you'll suck on a shotgun when you get older and have a graveley voice and organ failure from all the cycles of roids you're on.
Fuck Crypto Brothers in Christ and fuck Best Biz Calls you fragile poorfags. Especially that faggot with the "Money Calling" pfp.

Fuck that loser NEET that talks about Emilia ruining his non existent marraige and finances. He will never get laid.
Fuck spaced too.
Okay LINU bros, what the fuck do we do now?
you can start by getting the fuck off my board you retarded baggie, no one wants to hear your fucking bullshit

dead dogcoin for people dead inside
Brown ID means…. ——> ……?
means you should get off my fucking board with your retarded bullshit about a dead dogcoin
Honestly arch and Mike leaving? I might buy back in. Attention whores always putting their drama ahead of the community.
Didn’t you leave cause you were caught fudding LINU and gooning to cuck porn?
Time to get some tao and fun dips and stop spending time on meaningless shitcoins pajeet
I agree. Mike was a cry baby at this point. Fucked months of work we have all put in because he got offended by an anon dick head. Maybe next time don’t fucking dox yourself on biz? Holy fuck.
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L2L said in the chat he had something cooking for Monday, might this be it? A redemption arc for the previous ones?

Kek. That changed fast
He’s a great dude. We are all great dudes there, that’s why LINU will survive.
wow this thread proves my point
no. community is anathema to the LINU thesis.
Yes. Honestly fuck him. He’s willing to fuck over the work that my homies put in because he’s a moody boomer he can leave anytime.
If you’re with us, good. If not, fuck you. Contributed nothing but a huge fucking amount of drama.
But no, my Casinu will be huge for LINU, we will be millionaires
What the actual fuck. Previous team pumped to 30M and this guy thought he could make this 100M and the pussyed out now.
Honestly, the way he acted I never believed he was really building a casino. I think he just liked the attention.

If he was building a casino. The house always wins. That was the problem with him controlling the funds. It would have just vacuumed any users stack into his own wallet. “Winning go back to you directly” yeah mother fucker. It’s a casino. What winnings?
At this point I have my doubts too. But some members had access to some kind beta. As of today I do not know how the Casinu would have run.
Fudders care about LINU more than bagholders do lmao
Mike, if you’re reading this: no hard feelings, but this is quite a fucking mess. You fucked up a huge amount of community members work. Plus, people are leaving the coin right now. Act your age and deliver this fucking slot your promised to deliver. I would expect this kind of behaviour from a 15 years old, not from a fully grown ass man.
Face it, he left you. You can’t ride his dick anymore. All you have to show for it is a laptop full of half baked casino memes nobody liked.

He is off with his Korean school girls now. Move on.
Fine. Let’s move on. shall we come back as one my fellow bizraels? I believe more in this mental health help center board than in that fucking Casinu anyway.
It's had like $400 daily volume for months now. Absoluty NOBODY gives a fuck about this dead shitcoin.
We used to before Mike and Emilia shitted the chat with their personality cult no sense. Very good riddance desu. When “they” take over a coin, it’s over. No we might have a chance at coming back.
Based. I like Emilia tho. Mike can fuck off

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