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>btc pumps
>alts don’t
>btc dumps
>alts crash
So btc is gonna keep crabbing til alts are destroyed
That means that the cycle is nearly over. Money shaken off the alts will be absorbed by btc and eth.
people that get scammed dont switch to another crypto they just leave and buy stocks
Lol it means the alt cycle is just beginning.
It's a zero sum game. When people loss money on crypto, that money goes into people who gain money on crypto. These people will not switch to stocks.
The end of one cycle is the beginning of another. And there is always btc pump between them.
Can you niggers stfu already? When bitcoin pumped early this year, I made 10xs, 6xs, 5xs, and more on alts. We had our chance and we'll get another. You can only blame yourself for not selling, buying the top, or making bad picks.
no they switch to lambos and whores because they never cared about crypto
You must be forgetting who controls the market
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It's over.
Literally nobody has many any money this cycle except Solana faggots

this cycle fucking sucks
Vesta immune to all this crap so it seems
>muh zero sum game
Meaningless statment without taking into account the following:
For every 100 individuals who lose or have lost money in crypto there are probably 5-20 individuals or entities who make a profit. And 20 is a high estimate IMO.
This is evidenced by (1) casual 80% drawdowns and (2) normie sentiment.

If you understand this you will understand why most normies say crypto is a scam. Indeed most of them are not coming back. For better or worse, they have been replaced with boomers. A new sucker is born every minute, but sometimes you have to go back in time to find new suckers.

If it wasn't for the ETF boomers and Trump speculation this shit would be deader than it currently is. Trump might bring back normies for a Round 2.
Except Solana that dumps less that btc and pumps harder
I went all in on Solana in January and I’m just fucking ecstatic, 150k in, probably 2-10 million out after the run.
Guys, I'm starting to feel a little bit scared about the 2 alts I hold. Like they just bleed and bleed. The point of holding alts during a bullrun, not shitcoins, is that they should pamp more than bitcoin. But oh boy... I wanted to sell them during next altcoin season because I'm sick of them but it doesn't come. I'm worried. Will I be stuck with them? I wish I had at least bought VC solana. FUCK FUNDAMENTALS.
The chart looks terrible. Textbook wykoff distribution. A massive one at that. Precursor to multi year bear market
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WBTC has 10 times more volume then BTC Lightning network. Thats right, Bitcoin tokens on Ethereum have more utility and are scaling bitcoin more then lighting.
>this cycle fucking sucks
This cycle is trash, most idiots holding crypto are going to get rekt'd thinking BTC is going to 100k and ETH to 10k.. don't get me started on SOL there's barely any activity going on there aside from memecoin bs, anyone saying otherwise is a damn fool.

The ETF inflows are the only thing holding this cycle up if it wasn't for that shit would be grim as fuck. Don't get left holding the bag, these institutional traders are not stupid they want in crypto to make a profit and they will dump hard. The chances of seeing a massive alt szn is very very slim. If you lucked out with some memecoin bs, take your money and run idiot.
I wish alts weren't tied to that shitcoin. They successfully tamed grandpa BTC it's fucking over
Alts were moving just fine until March, when Bitcoin peaked. Don't expect them to do anything more than just dump now that we're in a bear market.
EOS RAM did a 60x though. DYOR.
I don't fucking care, one supra goes live, I'm slurping aggressively.
>Approach payday
>Hope to buy the dip
>BTC pumps before being paid
What did it mean by this?
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So when does this Supra go live and what's so special about it? It's been hypershilled here for at least half a year now, so it's gotta be absolutely revolutionary.
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You are here

You are supposed to sell your alts for BTC when this indicator is over 70-75. As you can see, it can get worse before it gets better. But it will get better. Although, yeah, 95% of alts have bled sats since 2020. But if you experienced one of your shitcoins doing a 30x then you are forever addicted to alts and there is nothing you can do about it.
I’m enjoying the discounted prices and taking advantage of buying the dip. Now, I’m waiting for the Peaq listing. I’m bullish on their recent news about the new DePIN addition to their ecosystem.
sad truth
This makes no sense bc alts crashed when btc crashed
Looks like we're in for a rough ride. Gonna sit tight and wait for some clear signs before making any moves.
Probably safer to stack stables for now, while making banks with content writing with hydro online.

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