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What’s their objective with our DNA anyway? Something profit driven or is it bigger than that?
I'm sure they have no nefarious plans for all that genetic information tied to identities at all.
Can’t wait to see what kind of targeted ads they can do based on our genetic material
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What kind of actual dumbfuck would do a DNA test? The same that would inject an experimental mrna vaccine?
Jews trying to get DNA for racially-targeted bioweapons.
The James Bond movie where they create a virus that can attack certain genes will be made to kill all white people
I regret giving them my DNA just to learn something that I already know :(
Sacré blue, a French man in /biz/
Fuck I gave them my wife’s and my own dna before we had children so I could make sure we were both 100% European before reproducing. We have 3 kids now.
We regret to inform you that you're a nigger

My boomer parents did it.. of course they did.
Your DNA is worthless anyway
Is Blackstone related to Blackrock?
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Worse -- I found out I'm half black! Does anyone know where I can steal a rope?
Vax + neural link + a knowledge of your specific DNA + 5G means you are now a controllable puppet person
Not worthless when they find a way to modify a niggers DNA so their average dick size is one inch. White women will be having sex with white men once again. As it should be.
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That happened back in 2020.
It's probably fine. They're called Blackstone, a definitely not sinister name that forebodes nothing, after all.
Yes same Saturn worshippers as blackcube as well
100% black
Who would’ve guessed
if they own insurance companies it's nice to know about who will likely get Alzheimer's and shit like that, and price that into the monthly payment
Yay they can charge us more and tell us early predictions of death
Ads? Theyre going to replace you with a clone, not me though, I'm a physical specimen they're going to use me for a clone army
>he thinks they let the models of clones live
Wait until you find out how that technology really works anon
Unironically this
No they started buying in back then. They took majority ownership this year
The reality is much less exciting but so much more evil. They'll just sell our info to insurance companies who will then use our DNA profiles to increase rates.
>nothing crazy guys
I’m glad you’re an insider who can fill us in on their meetings
Fuck off idiot. No one takes the word of strangers on the internet
People obsessed with digging up or creating family drama like finding out if mom cheated, if they were adopted, who their real parents might be if they were adopted, if they're secretly related to a famous person somehow, etc.
Its mostly gays and women who took those tests.

That said, I do think there is a fuckload of value in decentralized tests that dont roll data back to a mothership, such as locally testing DNA for paternity verification or validating whether someone carries genes for certain illnesses or conditions. Basically kind of like how when you do a flu test or pregnancy test, those things dont actually require logging information back to some central place over the wire. That's the direction things should aim to head in.
My sister is one of those people and has goaded every member of my extended family into taking these tests, so they basically have enough info to build a profile of me just based on my family. I always thought that shit was retarded either way
checked. time to modify your dna like the thought emporium guy
>They're called Blackstone
because they have nothing whatsoever to do with Blackrock. And if you think otherwise you are a racist anti semetic conspiracy chud
I did mine just to see if I was european.
>mfw I will never be Europen
No I didn't hand over my DNA to these horrible monsters, but I'm sure my retarded cousins and siblings did or will, so I'm fucked anyway,
its probably about making targeted dise-- ehm targeted treatments--- ehm.
to be able to tailor fit treatments for you especially.
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Yeah and i know I'm 100% white aryan seethe brownoids
Checked and you’re fucked
yes my dad and sister sent theirs in and then mocked me, saying "now the FBI has your DNA"
pretty good prank desu
it's to create individualized genetic medicine, mRNA also plays a large role in this. they sell it as curing hereditary disorders and chronic disease etc but i would not be surprised at all if they have other plans for GMO humans, possibly related to depopulation and eugenics because those two things have been a fetish for the faction of the owner class that Blackstone/Blackrock represent (roughly, the Rockefellers/anglo-american elite)

obviously there are more schizo directions you can take this (eg, tailored bioweapons, searching for certain individuals with rare/special genetic traits, total crime surveillance using AI capable of recognizing individuals by very slight genetic traces, etc)
at the time when this news came out (4-5 years ago iirc) the schizo consensus was, they are using it to look for individuals with "royal" (alien/angel) DNA, so as to identify and neutralize them in advance of a planned Revelations-style apocalypse
whatever they're doing, it's probably nothing good!
My sister did this shite. Thanks claire now the glowies have my DNA
>synagogue of satan
My parents and sister did.
I can't think of a single thing that can go wrong though.
Who didn't see this coming a mile away.
That’s exactly what that’s for.

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