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Thinking about picking up a second part-time job as a bartender or barback. I work 7:30-3:30 Mon-Friday and get paid well but I live in a major metro area and Joseph "Faggot" Biden's economy means I eat rice and tuna and shit and am only mildly comfortable.
That being said I do live in a major metro area so there are a lot of pretty expensive bars here.
I have a pretty strict budget, 401k, benefits, this is strictly as a means to afford more Internet Coins so I can buy a house. Specifically I'm going to put 100% of it into BTC.
Any experience bartending/barbacking, is it worth it, are there better side hustles than this also can you get pussy off of it? Also if I buy gift cards with my tip money and buy bitcoin with them will the IRS find out? Thanks.
Try barebacking instead
>bartending/bar backing
I hope you're ready for a coke addiction buddy. You can definitely get pussy but only if you stay out after shift and drink with your coworkers, if you keep leaving after the end of your shift you'll never get poon.
I'm sober.
I know it's ironic but I'm not a pussy and I have a lot of time under my belt. I go out to bars and drink non-alcoholic beers or shirley temples or whatever gay shit. It's fine. I asked myself the question of whether working a job like that would bother me and it wouldn't. I just want money.
>muh pussy, money, bitcoin
YAWN @ this organic portal.
in due time you will develop sleep disorders due to endocrine disrupters from handling BPA so frequently. there's one bartender I know who tells people he has central sleep apnea and needs a breathing machine but he never figured out the root cause of it. he just suffers like a dumbass NPC wasting his life chasing that paper while sacrificing his health.
>drink with your coworkers
perfect way to worsen the sleep apnea you'll get.
>muh pussy, money, bitcoin
up yours, gnostic
Lmao, you'll get hired and your coworkers will find you weird for some reason but they can't put their finger on it. Eventually they'll realize you're sober and they'll outright hate you until you quit.
I had considered this as a very real possibility.
bpa, you mean plastics? why would a barback be handling plastic more than the average person. its not like bars are serving plastic drinks
It’s decent experience
Always be looking to get shit done and get promoted fast
t. Vegas bartender
Tell us stories anon
How much could you make working Thursday, Friday nights and full shift Saturday?

Part1.Okay, I bar backed before.

If you are in a popular bar/restaurant (as in an ACTUAL establishment that is ALWAYS busy, hosts celebrity's often, has a widely known reputation in your city) Then you are going to run into 3 types of coworkers.

1. Guys who are willing to constantly put you down because they are miserable and have nothing else to do besides break people spiritually.

2. Guys who are going to "support" your new role and pretend to be your friend, eventually shilling you drugs, making you subserve to them and covertly making you do extra work you absolutely dont need to do all because you are under the illusion that you "fw" your new work homie. (none of it is real)

3. Girls who are there to be pretty and everyone's friend and will do some sneak psycho shit that involves your ass on the line 80% of the time if you aren't someone they want to fuck (you are a bar back loser)

Its likely you will be working closely with immigrants. Everyone has a story, dont be surprised when you new chill coworker is only in your city on a student visa on the run from a murder charge/s in his home country. Don't underestimate people, the world is not a cozy place.

For the patrons, dont expect anyone to respect you or your integrity in a hedon den, people will fuck with you, be disrespectful, borderline sexually assault you often.

This is the most important part: DO NOT WORK HARD. If you work hard, especially in a high turnover bar back position. YOU WILL create some kind of chronic injury for yourself. THIS IS IMPORTANT.
Typically the bar backs work station/area is an unkempt, cluttered, and seriously neglected area of an establishment. This is because patrons never have to see it, so there is no reason
to doll it up or keep it a safe area to be in. You will be cramped and depended upon for the bar tenders to do they're job. (Bar tenders are usually low lives or losers with zero ambition or direction
to do anything besides hang around and drink).

Part 2.


When you realize you are fucked, and your spine is failing you, and you cant even get up out of bed for 3 weeks. If you rent, you are going to have to move back home to your parents. This is demoralizing in itself, because they wont respect your injury’s validity, they wont feel pain the way you feel it, and that alone will stump your recovery time by years. And if your parents dont respect the validity of your injury, don't expect insurance compensation to either. You will spend 2 years of your life chugging through thick red tape with the bluntest scissors known to man, you will not get anywhere with compensation. At best, years in, you might get a settlement for 20,000. That is not money, that is not enough to justify years lost to an injury, and a lifelong chronic pain problem that you will have to dedicate ALL of your attention to fixing (this is what hell is). I am almost 4 years in, only doing okay now. I will live with chronic pain in my Lumbar spine for the rest of my life, all because i worked hard. DON'T work hard. Slack off and impress no one. And get out before they start to depend on you. Your coworkers will call shifts off last minute. They do not give a fuck about you, they will try to get you to cover they're shifts and make up reasons. They will lie to you constantly, use emotional manipulation, lie about family events they cant miss etc. Just dont fucking work hard lol.

This guy is right, drugs are the most effective way of controlling people. Also, you dont want pussy from a bar dude. You just dont. It will follow you and some alcoholic gremlin with a laundry list of mental health issues will fuck up your life in one way or another.

This will happen, you dont want this. Don't bend to it either. Don't drink, its fag shit.
Part 3

Yes, the hours will fuck up your whole shit. You dont want that, having no proper sleep/recovery schedule will speed up the inevitability of you coping a lifelong chronic injury. Btw "Chronic Injury" Literally just means "Forever injury". You will be forever fucked, the allure of a bar environment is short lived. Its not the real world.

DO NOT DO THIS. This is gay as fuck, you do not want to "Work hard" for a sub 90 IQ manager, who IS a woman or IS a gay booty loving nigga with 15+ years of managerial experience who lives to party. You do not need promotions from these people, you do not need to be looking to get shit done and get promoted fast. This is borderline faggot Jordan Peterson advice that only would have flied in the 70's. JPB has great advice, but dont apply it to a motherfucking bar back position. You are replaceable as fuck because life is hard and many people are willing to let a workplace FUCK them for measles of money and a lifelong injury.

Bottom line dude BE CAREFUL and only do things that are in YOUR best interest. Fuck impressing some fetal alcohol diseased retard manager who cant even do her job right. Just do your thing and get out when your done. This applies to work ethic and leaving the job entirely.

Before my back injury, all the managers said that i was the establishments greatest and most impressive hard working asset. Because i was.

I dont look back in glory anon, i look back in regret. Take care of your body, dont sacrifice your body or integrity for money. (that's what a job really is.) and a bar back job is no glorious mans destiny.

(you dont want pussy from a bar my nigga)
(you just dont)
>Just take drugs and stay up all night to get laid, with your coworker, whilst they're also drunk and maybe high, there definitely no way this can back fire with false allegations or her getting you fired on a whim in the future
OP here. Fudged my work experience a bit (I'm in a totally unrelated field at the moment) and got an interview at a country club near my day job. Surely I could get some good tips and perhaps some Pussy at a country club.
Is cutting limes and shaking tins really that dangerous to your health?

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