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>Job has coffee maker that also does hot chocolate
Why aren't you living the comfy office lifestyle?
grow up
>comfy office lifestyle
Doesn't exist unless you're a boomer that hates his family and goes to work to "socialize".
Just buy that shit and wfh
keep telling yourself that
Lmao, imagine defending wageslaving in an office and commuting when WFH exists. Slave mentality.
I used to work in an office before the pandy. I actually sat right next to the kitchen. unfortunately out coffee maker kind of sucked. we did have a snacks though, which was nice. literally the only thing I miss about the office.
Does your office coffee maker have espresso? If so, try the hot chocolate and espresso combo, it's mad good
>must return to office... must mooch off of the $200 communal coffee maker
nigga just get your own coffee maker, they have them on sale damn near everywhere.
I did. I miss it. Not only they had coffee maker but also free syrups and ice maker. Tap with champagne. And ps5 with vr and steering wheel. And it was always unoccupied because there were 2-4 people in office since covid. Sometimes I was alone with reception girl and cleaning lady.
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Because I get to sit at home and have my own coffee, pants are optional.
This, my dad is 74 and he won’t fucking retire till he gets put in a wheelchair
Quicktrip has that and I don't have to stay there for more than a couple minutes.
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my new job has a coffee maker that makes cappuccinos and ive been having those most in-office days
it has tea and hot chocolate menus ive never looked at
a coworker told me it makes a good chai latte
ill look at those menus tuesday
thank you anon
Why not open a comfy coffee shop
We have giant empty buildings at my work (they keep dozens of 18 wheelers in the winter) and a divorced guy gas been living at work the last couple months.
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I don't need to, I can continue my life doing daytrade with $SUPER without worrying about that kind of thing
Well, time to take a break from my jeoing737 adventures...
give me that mug friend
>house has coffee maker that also does hot chocolate and there's not a single DEI nigger around
this plus i can be naked in a blanket and have random goon sessions
You're not getting it anon. It's free.
>purchasing dept in some strange beef with the office supplier
>dept cuts them off
>threatens to take our BUNNS have been there over 20 years
>and the coffee pots too

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