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My McDonald's order was 15% cheaper today than it was 11 days ago for the exact same items. We are so back bros
will you stop fucking eating shit?
people still paying for food? there is no need for paying of food you just go to the foodbank. i save hundreds weekly
>pure beef patties with no additives
>patty fried in its own fat, no seed oils or polyunsaturated fatty acids except for trace amounts in the buns
>ground beef has a favorable ratio of glycine to methionine
>order extra cheese (calcium) and salt to add to the metabolism boosting effects
>sweet tea and carbs in the buns to offset the drop in blood sugar from the meat

I'm lovin' it
Macshit got into your dumb brain anon.
Learn to fucking cook
Dont they fry it in seed oils?
And the bread aswell?
Also the sauce may be bad
Else i kind of agree, there are worse things.
Btw the ratio in ground beef is that good?
Here in germany they literally demand that ground beef has less then 20% collagen per protein. they literally want us unhealthy
Also how?
A cheeseburger sold for 1 euro back then and now its 2.4
They just put the patty on the grill. No oil involved. The buns do have seed oil in them. Big Mac sauce is mostly basedbean oil but the regular cheeseburgers don't have that sauce. 20/80 ground beef is about 2.6 glycine to methionine in the US. That's a higher ratio than any other animal product other than bone broth and shellfish.
I had some mcnuggets last night and I swear it's like they added the flavor back to the sweet & sour sauce. Normally it tastes flavorless as if it were watered down.

People still eat? There is no need to eat food. You can directly get energy from the sun. I save thousands weekly.
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Bloody americans.
Fat ass goy
I stopped eating at mcdonalds because it reminds me of the days when I worked there, and also because I found a place where they make better and cheaper burgirs, I don't even need to take out part of my $brainlet for these things anymore
I just farted and it smelled like a big mac
Ok thanks I have to look that up for Germany. So basically if you leave out the bread you could call a cheeseburger even healthy
Retard amerimutt who falls for deceitful advertising like the NPC nigger he is.
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Yes burgers were decently healthy before they started serving them exclusively with fries cooked in rapeseed oil instead of tallow. Good for you for having enough critical thinking ability to consider the specific ingredients, your IQ is several standard deviations above these retards
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welcome to the world of supply and demand anon, when you understand more complex concepts you can consider yourself a functional human being. In the meantime, keep betting on shitcoins like XRP, SHIBA or SUPER

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