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File: dztr.jpg (39 KB, 680x680)
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21 more such days and they cant sell anymore
God they are a bunch of fucking niggers.
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After that it's going to the Kuiper belt isn't it
So only 7/8 left to dump? At -5% per dump we are looking at -40% total..
Holy shit ancient fud
>whales selling is bullish
Give us that copium
what are they selling?
The Ethereum they bought in 2020
when's the next time they can sell more?
What about after 21 days then when can they sell more
Using ETH on Flip.gg until I get these
Fuck everyone that's against me
Hey retard, they're not going to sell all their Ethereum. More like 50% so expect -15% from here
and what about the 92,500 foundation wallet?
Then they sold less before
Fake news spreaded by solanajews i guess
So, where's the selling for today? It's been nothing but slow and steady climb since yesterday.
rent free
Still waiting for that sell!
So uhh, where's the sell..?
..Did >>58784616 and >>58784951 lie? Why does this keep happening so often on this board, people just saying with no basis in reality that does not end up happening.
You could pretty much make youtube videos off of biz posts with how someone says X but Y happens all the time.
And its 1/6 now
They sold 350 million again i did not lie
Its just that obviously more people bought
Ethereum has 10 billion daily volume, a 300 million sell doesnt have to be a crash
you do notice everything is outperforming eth right?
Astute. Anyone who believes they have an edge on the market, and is posting on an anonymous Venezuelan CrossFit board, is most likely posting in bad faith, or shit posting. Revealing your edge could mean losing that advantage, though many posters still jeopardize this by posting the opposite sentiment of their sincerely held belief. Anyone who knows what's going on either keeps quiet, or shit posts completely off topic
I never claimed it was an edge on the market, it was all public information
I truthfully answered 3 questions thats it, i never said anything about price
What's the difference between grayscale eth and etf eth? I'm two smart to understand

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