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>tfw scratched my 500 dollar watch
Guess it's time to buy more.
What's a good 1k watch or should I invest in a 5k watch?
/pol/ had one of these threads before and the consensus was buying knockoffs.
The Bulova Computron is the official /biz watch. You should get one.
For me, it's the Apple Watch Ultra 2
anything besides a rolex you might as well just get a casio or seiko
way too much of a meme / i am not stylish enough for this watch

get a seiko bro
Large, expensive watches are tacky.
can't remember where i read it, but somebody recently btfo rolexfags for all time:
>people buy and wear rolex watches to impress watchfags and non-watchfags alike
>nonwatchfags don't care enough about watches in general to be impressed
>watchfags know why you bought your rolex and see right through you
everyone above the age of 5 knows what a rolex is, you didnt btfo anyone with that retarded ass post
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$148 rolex
Casio Duro. Best part is it's like $50. Add a metal band to it for a nice look. Well built, doesn't feel cheap. Looks nearly identical to a Rolex Submariner.
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Sad how /fa has a far better understanding of luxury watches than biz. Fucking Seiko.
99.999% of /biz/ are poor, people of colour
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>t. monkey arm subhumans.
women love the chest hair on a white male. take your low T back to /r9k/
Cope unevolved gorilla you have no right to speak.
>hairy means monkey
LMAO, go take tranny dicks up your waxed asshole you low t absolute faggot
Only downside with this is that you can't travel internationally without risking enormous fines in certain countries if stopped by customs. In some countries the fines will basically be the same as the price of a rolex submariner
And the reason for this is because in recent years, luxury brands like LVMH, rolex and dozens of others banded together and paid political lobbyists to lobby hard in certain countries to increase punishments for counterfeit products. The countries win by having an additional income source and the corpos win by decreasing counterfeit purchases
Sports watch and 3x/week running
I'm on Garmin right now
I bought a bunch of Addiesdive and Steeldive watches from Ali and swapped out the dials for Seiko ones, was 10 times more fun than I ever had wearing my Tudor watch
$1k - my choice would be a Junhans Max Bill. It's not in the style of Bauhaus it IS Bauhaus. Max Bill was a teacher at the school. Yes, it looks like a $50 street watch and it will impress no one. If you want to impress randoms then there are plenty of other options.

$5k choice is Paneria Radiomir with wire lugs - 45mm, or the Paneria Luminor... I own both.
>Doesn't have watch game
I don't really know what to think about watches really. Sometimes I am really intrigued by them, and on other days I feel sorry for people who wear them
>pay inflated prices for the brand name but it's also a shitty chink knockoff
>no resell value
>you will subconsciously still know that you are a fraud
Kek thats retarded
I sell watches, and that fucking Daytona is fake. Dumbass
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That's why you buy a rolex with diamonds to impress normies and women and make the watchfags gigaseethe while you mog their plain boring grandpa watches.
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Boys check their phone.
MEN check their watch.
Any fucking questions?
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hello friends, how are you all doing tonight
Bolt down your safe or fill it with newspaper while your cash is hidden somewhere else.
>everyone above the age of 5 knows what a rolex is, you didnt btfo anyone with that retarded ass post

as a non watch fag, any fancy watch looks the same to me, unless you shove it in my face I am not going to know if you are wearing a rolex or some shitty $20 gold plated watch from walmart.

Personally I wear an apple watch because it's got other functions than keeping time, like keeping track of my steps and heartbeat.
what kind of cope is this?
you see these watches in this post?

if I saw them I would just assume they are one of these from Walmart, like how the fuck am I supposed to know what they are unless they have some giant ass logo

like I said, I know nothing about watches and am probably like the average person
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you have the chance to wear true human achievement on your wrists, but you choose ornate over utility, you choose luxury over intelligence
why do people always make fists when photographing their watch, do they think it will make them look manly?
So trolling aside I don't like rolexes because of their bulk and also because of all the cringelord zoomers renting and flexing them.
I wouldn't mind buying a more low-profile watch if it held value decently well.
Is there any way to do this without getting raped by buying/selling fees? I don't like gold either just for the color.
I don’t understand the appeal of analog watches, why use them when smartwatches with vastly more functionality exist? Is it because they are some of the only acceptable jewelry for men to wear?
>Is it because they are some of the only acceptable jewelry for men to wear?

obviously, do you think that people are spending thousands of dollars on a clock just to tell the time? man what the fuck are you thinking
I’m thinking if you want to spend thousands on jewelry you can wear just go become a woman lmao
I'm not passing judgement on it or saying you should (neither am I), I am just pointing out the obvious
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I wear gold and diamond jewelry because I get the bag like a bad bitch.
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Good classic piece. I like classics, picrel
go back to preddit, faggot
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I personally like the junghans meister chronoscope
The Timex Indiglo Watch gets 'em wet.
I have one and I love it. A 70’s classic automatic, the Seiko UFO with orange dial. Like this one.

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