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>want to buy X
>X goes up Y %
>"too expensive, I will wait"
>finally goes down
>"it will keep on going lower"
>never end up buying, and if buy then it's due FOMO

How do you decide when to buy?

>inb4 dca
I don't have a job, I have to allocate an existing capital.

>just lump sum bro, studies say
Well if you lump summed in dotcom bubble you bagholded for 13 years
Just be lucky, bro.
>How do you decide when to buy?
When this happens:
>want to buy X
Don't look at any chart, don't read any TA. Just buy it right then.
Set buy and sell targets based on your research and stick to them rigorously.
theres always something else to read that gives you second thoughts
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Pepe is on vacation while $marv is doing all the job to save the market
If you modify your targets, do so deliberately and always with a firm number. Personally, I would also always err on the side if taking profits. Nobody goes broke taking profits.
>Well if you lump summed in dotcom bubble you bagholded for 13 years
bro anyone with half a brain can tell when something is a bubble, don't buy nvidia right now.
just buy bitcoin we are at the start of a bull run, trump is going to be speaking at the conference tomorrow, interest rates will be cut in 1-3 months.
>bro anyone with half a brain can tell when something is a bubble,
>trump is going to
>interest rates will be
>just buy
>we are at the start
btc literally just ignore the mt gox and germany distribution, etfs bought the dip and we are already 26% up off the lows. Those were historical fuds and were occurred at the same time in summer which is historically very slow. If you think it's not going up from here w/e dude hfsp
rate cuts means the end of the bullrun
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lmao what? them turning money printers on and lowering interest rates means there is way more liquidity and it can't just be put into bonds anymore.
Bitcoin is massively correlated with global liquidity, rate cuts + fed expanding their balance sheet = increasing liquidity = number go up

See 2020 run up, only went parabolic after rate cuts when the balance sheet started increasing.
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rate cuts confirm a recesion and market crashes
look at the picture I posted retard
just DCA in your existing capital until you are fully invested
if there is a big dump increase how much you buy

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