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Lets hope that the dump was frontrunned in 2022
4k BTC is coming
Why is this bad? Soft landing achieved, no?

Hot pink ID checked
B-b-but you guys said the economy was fukt! You promised it would crash! Two more weeks you saaaaid!!!
The recession already happened, it started mid 2021 and ended late 2023. Your dollars were inflated away to keep the stock market afloat. And banks were given 5% to park their underwater 1% tbills overnight which means they could essentially cook their books during the recession. Firms like Silicon Valley didn’t, and they collapsed and got eaten up by the big banks. Now it’s bull market again. There may be a few flash crashes along the way but don’t let them fool you. The next time the bull ends thought, it’s depression. We only got down to 3% inflation, that’s a huge failure and the next inflation spike will break a lot of markets.
hey i just noticed this too. looks like it'll cross zero either August 1 when it updates or next month
>recession and war right before November
>absolutely incompetent president installed
>presides over complete dismantling of US hegemony
it checks out
You are a fucking idiot.
/biz/raelis wouldn’t know a bull market if it broke down their fence and abducted their family. Metaphorically speaking.
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cool rebuttal retard!
This is the real chart. No crash until 2026.
>Your dollars were inflated away
What if I wasn't holding any dollars? What if I was 100% stonks? Isn't this a huge win for me?
Lmao someone was holding cash this whole time
>Why is this bad? Soft landing achieved, no?
Imagine a plane hurtling towards the ground. You take a snapshot of the plane the exact picosecond it makes contact with the ground. It looks like a plane happily resting it's nose on the ground. Then you show it to an "economist" and they say "see? Soft-landing achieved."
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Too high bro its going to 4 cents
This. There isn't going to be a recession whilst the US government is running a 6.5% deficit.
I’m frontrunning the bull now, vesta is my ticket out of this hellhole they call 9 to 5

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