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What hobbies are worth the money?
Shit taste

This tread confirms it
Explain the appeal. Tried it a few times and didn't like just sitting down for hours. Rather go for a hike or even just play golf or go kayaking.
From all the things on your list fishing and golf unironically have the highest payout for making business deals and career progression. If those are at the bottom of your list you're NGMI. Simple as.

After that would be tennis (or pickleball depending on your area), then cycling, then rock climbing. High performing wagies and corpo execs love health trends and being outside.
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You don't explain the appeal of fishing you either get it or you don't
I've only met poor drunks from fishing. As for golf, I can't afford any nice country club memberships, so I've only met middle-class people at the public courses. I usually only play with a crew of buddies, otherwise, I haven't really enjoyed it that much compared to the other outdoor activities.

I do play tennis often, but it never resulted in any money. I have gotten quite a few dates from it though.
The only thing that's made me money is building skills in my career, getting paid from my job, and dumping every extra dollar into crypto. So far in 6 fig hell.
Sounds like you just suck at life.
Skill issue desu.
>Sounds like you just suck at life.
Only time will tell, but so far having a pretty good time, close to 7 figs in my late 20s.
>Skill issue
Could be, but then again I've met way more millionaires online just shitposting than I bet I'd meet through "networking" with insufferable boomers and millennial alcoholics for 4.5 hours.
Not a single one of those appeals to me. I've tried a few but never really enjoyed them much. I just spend all day on the internet. I don't have the attention span to play vídeo games or watch series.
The 2nd row is basically just being all day on the internet, reading threads, stirring the pot, creating some memes for the culture.

I also don't have much attention span for vidya unless really in the mood. Usually I'll play for an hour a few days in a row once or twice a month. For tv shows usually I just watch while on the treadmill for an hour or while I'm getting a massage. Otherwise, I'd never just sit down for it.
Fishing fucking sucks. Only good things about it were learning how to be bored for hours on end and how to accept that several hours of my life are gone into the void. My dad does not understand that I was never there when he had successful outings. I have only the lamest memories of it and I only humor him now and again but I know exactly what will happen and it always delivers.
This. I literally prefer just walking around the park with a date or my younger bros and feeding ducks at the park.
>Sociability: Not really
"Not really"? Should be, at minimum, a hard NO. More realistically it's anti-social. Literally negative aura everytime you come here.
>shitposting: 8/10
so how's goblin life
I make music and jewelry. I can eventually turn my hobbies into money makers
You can make bank selling 24k gold jewelry in the West due to the common high premiums on them.
The best hobbies are the ones that you can combine with traveling around the world to experience variety within the hobby and meet new people who are into the same thing.

Diving, fishing, hunting, climbing, hiking come to mind. Whatever floats your boat
Motorcycles. Riding a motorcycle is the best feeling there is, even better than sex. It's also much cheaper than cars. Enjoy while you can, I gave it up since I became a father.
Love my BJJ, only $100 a month.
Lifting and any team sport (bonus if it's a sport with girls)
Everything else is for fags
Team sports are great but so is martial arts. The discipline and brotherhood that comes with it is much more important to life quality than learning how to defend yourself
But learning how to defend yourself is a big bonus too. Being confident in your ability to defend yourself and knowing that you don't have to back down from potential confrontations changes the way you carry yourself in a positive way. Projecting confidence is a gamechanger in social situations
>dude just stare at one point for hours, don't move and don't make a sound, it's SOOOOOO fun
4 is way too overrated if anything
collecting/investing in trading cards, profit over time & good fun
I used to do this as a kid, but feel the money would be far better in crypto
sure but he was asking for hobby not pure money making
Can confirm. Knowing how to fight is sort of like a country having a nuke. Other guys can see it in the way you behave, so the dumbasses who are out looking for trouble choose easier targets to fuck with. The goal is to never have to use the nuke
get fucked, fishstick
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already had this under weight training my dude. Blue = every day, green = every week, yellow = every month, red = very irregular, maybe sometimes a year.
The appeal of fishing is fish. You get fish from fishing.
I can order Alaskan Sockeye wild-caught salmon to my door any time of the day, all year.
When I visit Alaska, I'll fish there though.
You can also hire someone to drive your car for you. I like driving
>spends 4 hours of his time to catch $10 worth of fish
If food is what you’re after, there are better ways. Large game hunters can fill an entire freezer with delicious meat that is super expensive, and they usually dont need to put in that much time
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>What hobbies are worth the money?
coin collecting
this is actually unironically my top hobby. The creative stuff is just marketing ideas for my crypto. I've made a lot of memes, and a lot of money, and it's 10/10 fun.
coins for dieing boomers
pokemon are the new coins/stamps
Based. But get some real hobbies too. Nobody likes people who only yap on about making money
>pokemon are the new coins/stamps
I rather stick to crypto, but the nostalgia stuff is cool. I also hoard a ton of internet nostalgia stuff, which might be worth a lot at some point. I have several hard drives full of terabytes with the stuff. I do it for fun, but I guarantee I'll have content people are willing to pay a lot for. We'll see.
I do every hobby I listed in the OP pic. Some every day, like the ones higher up, some maybe a few times a year, like the ones at the bottom.

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