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I have $2000, how do I get rich? I wanna get into memecoins but I don't know where to start; any knowledgeable anons that can give me a qrd?
Buy memecoins that have a solid history but are on a downturn. Don't bother looking for 1000x's.
Look for consistent 2-6x's, don't be afraid to sell.
That's it. Good luck
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Put options on S&P ETFs
If those are your pups you already have all the riches in the world
Sounds good anon thanks, but what platform do you recommend? I'm in the US.
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memecoins maybe but thats risky, what about alts? eth, arkham $super are good for making it, but rich rich is kinda hard if you are not a wholecoiner from 10 years ago
solid advice there, maybe check some alternatives too, the more info you get the better
look into daytrading with bots, that's 10000000 times better
post your telegram and we can talk.
i'll help you out and answer all your question.
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Here's a telegram bot channel that posts pump fun listings that the algorithm thinks will make gains
It's doing ok ATM but a month or 2 ago it was doing much better, it'll return to where it was before once alts start to catch up to BTC
This is unironically one of the best call channels I've been in
t (.) me/pumpfunlistings
Remove the parenthesis and spaces

This one is made by the same devs as the pump fun channel and is for all of Solana, similar performance to the first channel
t (.) me/solcallbot
Remove the parenthesis and spaces

I'm not associated with the creators of the channel in any way if it sounds like I'm shilling to try to get you to buy the VIP channel

Here's some gains the pump fun channel made

I'd also recommend using Trojan trading bot on Telegram for shitcoining
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Sure, any method to try and get ahead, but what would you recommend as a strategy with altcoins? Just buy low sell high or hold or what? Also, what even IS rich rich? I've been poisoned here into thinking $1m is nothing, whereas before I would've thought that was an amazing amount of money. After calculating, I know $10m is all the money I would ever need to live exactly the way I want to for the rest of my life; is this feasible within a reasonable amount of time?
>look into
any place to start?
tyvm anon. I'm still new to Telegram and need to work out how to work all of this, but I'm sure I'll get it soon. My issue is that I'm trying to teach myself via YouTube videos but can't be sure which uploaders are just scammers trying to get me to pay them for bs. Any learning resource you recommend?
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Some people on crypto Twitter post alpha you can learn from, here's some accounts I watch
The accounts with less followers tend to be better
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Buy a gun. Invest in yourself.
are those Samoyeds?
why are they so perfect?
How much have you made over the years anon? Following these people, I mean.
I only started using Twitter for crypto research like 2 months ago. I haven't bought anything they post but I am cataloguing all the yet to be launched projects they post about as those can bring in a lot of gains if you get in at launch
I hate dogs so FUCKING MUCH
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Okay i dont usually do this but im a merciful man, so put those 2k directly into ethereum on solana and you should be setup for life, cheerio my dude
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From what I understand, this isn't something that can be done. Unfortunately, I am too much of a novice to fully understand whether you're simply trolling or explaining something of value. Well played anonymous.
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$500 blackjack hands.
When you reach 5k, raise to 1k per hand.
When reaching 10k switch tables and 2.5k hands.
Don't do shitcoins , do qan instead

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