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Even Elon is giving up on bitcon.
He witnessed this truth post
banking jews fear bitcoin, and elon is backed by jew banking money
that retard sold the bottom at $30k
if anything this is the signal for $100k
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Goodbye cryptocurrency. paypal is unironically better than bitcoin.
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Pic related describes intangible assets' ultimate value
>bank money
Fucking bullish as fuck, fuck Elon. So glad he is out
Nobody can guarantee tangible asset's value either, dummy.
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I've heard more retarded things before so its okay dude.
Just these three properties alone provide inherent value outside of the scope that intangible assets can provide
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>trading tokens consisting of receipts for expended energy, valued in digital bank deposits that are backed by fiat cash.
We are reaching fiat levels thought to be impossible.
>the British are dropping their 1p and 2p coins, its a copper coated steel penny
The debasement of wealth
>silver & gold coinage
>silver & gold IOUs
>US paper notes
>fed paper notes
>digital bank money
Each iteration compartmentalized and shrank the wealth into infinitesimal units of worthless tokens, you now get a picture of a metal coin and some numbers on a screen, but nothing that has intrinsic value.
we get it dude, you bought bayhorse at the beginning of the last bull and got creamed. everybody makes mistakes. the real mistake is never realizing when you're wrong
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I just bought £600 of BTC and paid about Sex Fiddy bong bucks to get it on my perso account. Come at me, Elon.
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You know the feeling, Elon? TFW when you look at the BTC chart and just KNOW its price is going higher? And all the while bad ass West European #StrongWhiteMan Pystrance music is playing? This is where we are at. Your move, "Superstar".
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It's a beautiful bear trap, it really is.
Elon is such a cringe boomer he really needs to kill himself
Unironically bullish, he's salty because tesla stock has been underperforming, sales aren't doing good and because he sold BTC at lower prices
yea the banking jews running the crypto show surely fear it lmao.
i think he's just mad david bailey posted a screenshot of where his jet was and all the rumors about him being at the bitcoin conf
(the new tesla ai place is nearby and that's where he was)
damn musk is a fag
OP is a fag
Elon removed ALL crypto emojis except doge
Well he always was a Dogecoin shill.
>giving up on bitcon
what do you think he's gonna say at nashville, then?
Thats even more insulting to crypto. Bitconners in extreme cope.
He removed it during the Bitcoin conference to make "bitcoin" trend on twitter. and draw attention towards the conference. When did this board become so dumb?
this makes sense desu
So you are admitting that bitcoiners are so desperate for attention they have to do stunts like this. God, it truly is over. Bitcoin is officially dead.
Interesting pic, I think financialization definitely contributed to bond futures becoming huge as a way to hedge deliverables for fixed rate payments like swaps. I would say the decrease in precious metals though is entirely due to removing the gold standard, there’s no need to hedge in dollars against gold if they’re no longer convertible.
>if you need to market something to gain peoples attention, the thing you are marketing is dead
I like this logic. Just shorted Apple with 10x leverage because they spend nearly $100 million on marketing annually. In fact, I’m going to short every company in the SP500 that has a marketing budget. Thank you for the wise words
Wheres the "evidence provided?"
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>you're welcome
the cia created bitcoin
Apples doesn't need cheap pr stunts to make institutional investors remember they exist.

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