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Do Brit’s really give their royals raises? Better leave a tip so they don’t go broke. If monarchs are struggling with inflation, what chance do the rest of us have.
Those outfits and gold thrones are ridiculous
truly useless cunts
what would peasants do without royalty?
who would take all the palaces if there were no royals?
keeping up the charade probably adds hundreds of millions in tourism
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the royal family actually produces far more revenue than they spend now but some people still like to seethe about them
Well yeah, I mean the monarchy's cost of living probably doubled or tripled since the last increase.
The monarchy is the one with all the money. They are losing money paying themselves an allowance like this.
So the way it works is - the King owns a lot of fucking land. It makes a shit ton of money. We're talking hundreds of billions. He pays that all to the country. In return, the country agrees to pay him sort of maintenance. Its called the sovereign grant.
>royal family shills
Shut up peons. The royals stole that crown. They’re German and probably have Rothschild blood in them. They put the country in debt to a national bank. Fucking retards acting like they’re good for the common man need to be shot
You speak treason churl and you deserve a traitor's death. GOD SAVE THE KING and death to his enemies.
Doesn't the government pay him £300k annual to rent and sub-lease his entire domain?
THEY can go but they should be replaced by an English family with a noble lineage. Preferably my family.
Her Majesty Revenue and Customs
Why? The noble families of Europe are all intertwined; his blood comes from Charlemagne, as well as from Alfred the Great.
When was the last Britton king? Arthur 1500 years ago? You guys have been cucked by German, Dutch, and French kings for so long you can’t even remember the last pure blood Brit king
He’s so nice to give the country a good deal like that.
Maybe America should get a king
Russia would improve with a monarchy.
Llywelyn last King of Gwynedd. Called himself Princips (a title reminiscent of Augustus) and refused to be a vassal of the King of England at the time (Pretty sure it was Edward I).
It's the reason why the Prince (Princips) of Wales is the next in line to the English (now British(UK)) throne. Edward was the Caesar, no room for anyone else on this island.
His estate has to maintain all the land and buildings which are used by the public etc., of course costs to maintain are rising
Who signs a king's paycheck? That sounds like the most absurd thing in the world to me.
Ameriburgers pretending they don't have their own aristocracy is hilarious. Those guys have their beaks firmly planted into the public treasury and suck out far more money than the meme king of england and yield far more actual power than the meme king.

Every time their companies are in trouble, they are showered with the publics money to "avoid losing jobs". But when times are good, they don't pay it back, and of course they get to keep all of the profits
The bankers who own our politicians own British royals but at least we’re not putting them on the public payroll
The Bank of England works the same way as the Fed faggot
Learn something before you open your mouth
The Rothschilds and Barrings
You're right. Even if I was made king like I joked about, and I do have noble blood, my family can be traced back to French nobility within only a few hundred years. It's basically impossible to find a pureblood Briton who is part of the gentry or nobility in any meaningful way.
My cunting ancestors gave it all up (along with their heads) during the reformation.
It was based though because Jesus Christ is lord and the Anglican church is for faggots.
So the Irish are the true carriers of the pure blood?
>this guy born 1500 years after Christ is actually right.
They have a strong enough global brand and enough assets to be self sustaining, they just want payment for fulfilling their royal duties. Which is fair but should be more in line with the prime minister's salary for senior royals. Skimming multiple millions from public funds that they don't need shows them up as grifters.
Well I didn't vote for him.
I've seen Brits swear up and down that they "don't cost the taxpayers anything because they generate tourism income" just delusional.

looks like there are even a few in this thread, amazing
...but they do generate income? They're basically a government run museum/theme park/circus that is actually profitable.
do you genuinely believe that people come to Britain and spend money that wouldn't if there was no royal family, and in large enough numbers to justify their vast estates and public expenses?
I don't know, I'm not a tourism expert. I believe whatever blog post I read that made a good argument. People tune in from all over the planet just to witness whatever bs the royal family is doing. I don't understand why people find this interesting but I know tens of millions of them are obsessed so there must be some financial value to it.

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