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Can I move to Ireland and just collect rent in America or money from a business? Anyone do this? I want American wages/money but would I just be taxed twice?
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been wondering about this in regards to international stuff. I know state side, you pay the state taxes where the business is operated in and not where you reside.
Anyone in the world can do it, except Americans.
The USA is the only country in the world that taxes it's citizens twice.
The irony of taxation without representation
Don't you not pay taxes of you're 330 days outside of the country or something?
It works like that in most countries.
I was wrong about the United States being the only country who keeps taxing it's citizens abroad, there are two more; Eritrea and Myanmar.
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I lived in Germany and didn't pay any U.S taxes. My company lowered the pay and raised the Per diem which wasn't taxed so paid 0 in U.S taxes and like 900€ in German taxes
>finds tenants
>goes to other side of the world
>turns out tenants are fentanyl taking niggers who have fucked your property beyond repair
>have to go back to america and try and sell the piece of shit you now have.
sounds good anon
>turns out tenants are fentanyl taking niggers
Where you live maybe. Also you sound like you've never rented a house before if you think the owners are always the ones dealing with tenants
In good company
you can collect rent but you need to pay a property manager which might be pricey
>didn't pay any U.S taxes
you owe uncle sam and he'll get you eventually
Nope. Not how it works
Sure, double it weekly on Dplay, and live the life of your kek dreams
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If you bought $marv on time and sold at 10x, yeah totally, why?
If you're actually rich you can live in the uk, offshore everything and pay no tax.
Or you can just put your money in a REIT and move to ireland

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