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I am an ADA and LINK bag holder
i'm so sorry
add some XRP
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Kek it's time to capitulate and join the rest of the ex-LINK baggies with KNS. Literally banned on 4chan because j@nnies don't want you to know there is a Swiss gov backed compute project with working decentralised price oracles and distributed AI at 30m mcap.

never selling my linkies LOL
that's an interesting way to say you like being cucked. does your wife also kiss you on the lips after your big black bvll is finished?

imagine actually holding stinky link down to the $11 range while the market starts a massive bull run and competitors pop up with better and faster solutions that are actually LIVE and not bs VC vaporware. NGMI
ummm you're right let me reconsider.... nah still not selling KEK FUDDIE
"shit in my mouth more please sergay oh yes extra corn, what did i do to deserve this delectable treat??"

selling link at $50 was the best decision i ever made. can't believe retards are still buying into a 2017 coin that is not only clearly farming its users, but is two cycles behind. NOBODY CARES ABOUT PRICE ORACLES IN 2024.
ummmm... sweaty... im soo soo sorry... but... im not selling :(
Wait,i just checked the chart. IT'S AT $13??
a big mac is literally more expensive than your stinky coin, oh god, thank you for buying my bags. how in the red are you ?
>I am an ADA and LINK bag holder
So you're a gay from reddit
i bet he holds gme too.

honestly it's an iq test at this point. no wonder sergay betrays, he keeps getting away with it
not selling
Why don't you add polkadot? My 2 alts are chainlink and polkadot. Same suffering but gayer and submissive
I have ADA and DOGE. I don't know which is worse. At least I get some ADA back through staking, but it's still...ADA. And I don't know what it takes to get a loving, loyal gf.
I love Chainlink, but I’m not into ADA, a coin hitting new lows against Bitcoin for the past 2 years or more.
I own Bitcoin, DOT, Reef, RNDR, and Filecoin. Filecoin's the MVP, and restaking it on Parasail.
>crazy how most of them were mooning before Bitcoin crashed the party.
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old fag
Solid combo, no doubt, Cardano’s focus on scalability and smart contracts, plus Chainlink’s role in connecting blockchain with traditional data, could set them up for future growth, with Nuklai that provides tools for developing AI applications, and you’re going to have a solid portfolio.
I'm a GAY chainlink holder and I LOVE cocks
posts like these make me buy more unironically
look how much he's seething and trying to project his weird cuck fantasies onto everyone else lol

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