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>Over $1.1 trillion in value was wiped from the US stock market on July 24th
What's your answer to this?
Healthy correction and my kenis remains benis
Was it? I didn't notice. I hold crypto, which is basically like holding a ladder that is being lifted to Heaven.
Believe it or not, buy the dip.
In retrospect, JK Rowling was based. She went pretty hard on the troll/jew comparisons
also the turban voldemort was a jeet lol
$1.1 trillion in value was added to seller's bank accounts.
Not likely
Losing market cap and cashing out amount aren’t usually the same
The only way for market cap to go up or down is through buy or sell orders. $1.1 trillion dollars worth of stocks were sold to people, whether they made a profit or not is a whole different matter.
I can’t touch my 401k for 20 years so hopefully my bitch ass fiduciaries can scoop me up some cheapies
Holy shit these are the idiots giving financial advice on this shit hole???
Reading comprehension bros...
>What's your answer to this?
meme coins, lol
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>jew-free coin
Bro, you are retarded.
Oh sorry, now that I see that the market price of stocks goes up and down via magic I realize my own stupidity in insinuating that it was due to people buying or selling the stocks.
you fucking retard
>stock has a market cap of $1000 and a price of $10
>I sell 1 unit for $9
>$100 market cap decline and $9 in my bank account
Cool, I guess.
The market cap would not go down by $100 in that example because there's 100 outstanding shares ($1000/$10/s = 100) and only 1 was sold. At most the loss in market cap would be $1 because the share didn't magically burn up, its buyer still has that share and its value still contributes to the marketcap. The new price would probably be something like $9.99 but in reality there's different methods for calculating that, but they're all based on order books.
$1.1 trillion in value "wiped out" actually means that many more trillions of dollars were transferred to seller's bank accounts by buyers that bought them at what happened to be a price that was below the potential market value of the asset. Not the book value, not the nominal value, but the value at which it was currently being traded on the open market. It's purely speculative, no actual value was wiped out because it never actually existed. If you had a $1.1 trillion portfolio you don't have $1.1 trillion dollars unless you sell those shares or you use them as collateral. In fact, if we assume that every single sell order was fulfilled at the best possible value (which is the case with an order book) the potential value "lost" is actually zero.
If I had to hazard a guess they probably just looked at the marketcap before the sell off and after and calculated the difference without ever contemplating if individual sellers actually lost money from the transaction of their speculative assets. If you're trading in speculative assets and the total global amount of those contracted by 1.1 trillion speculative dollars you literally have to be retarded to be mad at this when no value was lost. It's pure cognitive bias independent of whether it's easier for you to break even or not.
> $1.1 trillion dollars worth of stocks were sold to people
You’re making yourself look retarded, that’s volume dumbass. They’re referring to market cap
You really are retarded and should never invest. How many people need to tell you you’re wrong? Look this shit up before commenting dumbass
If $1.1 trillion was "wiped out" then who ate it?
Over $10 trillion in value was added to the US stock market in Q2. So what?
Must been what Warren Buffett cashed out according to this idiot
Bro, who ate the $1.1T? Where did it go?
It was probably digital money? They just erased a few zeroes from a computer hard-drive somewhere. Not like they had to set a pile of cash on fire.
To shorters.
>I I sell low the value is wiped out!
Apparently some people sold low and the actual price was 10000x the value so it reached 1 trillion.
Just stock market crypto tier value loss.
shoot heroin in my asshole and bump that new britney spears
and to think we'll never get another old style terf like her, oh well they never really helped anyway.
the $1.1T number is essentially made up based on the formula used to calculate market cap (share price $ x outstanding share #)
the "value" lost was all on paper wealth, not cash or assets.
The crash that's coming will make that look like child's play. Buy gold and bitcoin.
>401k for 20 years
Someone should tell him
>What's your answer to this?
Oh no
I think it’s better these rubes don’t know the truth. The internet exists, they have no excuse

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