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File: $65 dinner slop.jpg (635 KB, 1096x2684)
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Inflation is getting out of hand
Fat fucking pig
Architects, our answer?
>this is fine dining according to Americans
May I suggest some fent for dessert?
>hungry jacks
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Disgusting goyslop
>finishes meal
>leans back, satisfied by the gutbusting meal
>"ill have to facebook about this" she thought
>happily rings bell on table, orders another round of food
>the pub
Americans don't have pubs. This bitch should be charged with being a disgusting fat American, and sentenced to nothing as the crime is also the punishment.
Fent Brûlée
Carl's Jr is very new to Australia, and is, for some reason, quite overpriced.
Thank you anon.
Carls Jr is mid tier fast food. The quality is just barely above McDonald’s. In the south here they call it Hardee’s but it’s still garbage on par with Sonic’s

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