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i was born to be rich. i was born to eat steaks and drink champaign. i wasnt born to eat instant ramen, on my own birthday, on the 16th day in a row like this. i wasnt born to be sharing a shitty 50 square meter "apartment" with another guy like this.
let me guess, you hold LINK
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Clearly you weren't born for anything besides being a faggot on the internet
The people who were actually born for this are already doing it
Ascend fren with Baby Apu, a coin you could actually make it with
Meal for a small gopher
How many levels of rent free are you on little bro?
kys linkchud
how do you not feel ripped off there regardless of the fraction of your daily passive income that meal represents
i will never understand the meals that dont even fill up a cat tier dining
unless that is course 12 out of 18
>This entitlement
You weren't born for shit, faggot
Either you make it or you don't
This mfer never heard of courses

We ain't eating to give us energy to work the fields cuh, we eating for pleasure
>This mfer never heard of courses
is reading even 3 sentences too much for your zoomer attentionspan
Touché nigga i indeed didn't read the last sentence
Don't expect people to keep reading your life story sized tweets blood
shut up no-fate hylic dirts
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Literally what goyslop does to your brain lmfao, you really are just a retarded low class faggot like op
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i was born to be king. i was born to eat meats and drink wine. i wasnt born to eat moldy bread, on my own Saint's day, on the 16th day in a row like this. i wasnt born to be sharing a shitty 50 square meter "cottage" with another peasant like this
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you're a cringe retard brain rot zoomerfag, when the shooting starts you're the first to go
>pious, gloating wannabe richfag bragging to poorfags
your head is next, savor it while you can faggot. I'd cave your skull in with a bat and parade your head through the city like a trophy, do understand that there are many, many people waiting to kill you
responds by posting one of the most overrated foodstuffs that are currently served and he only has pictures about because of the social validation surrounding it
but you'll die an ego death before ever being able to admit to yourself you are just falling for groupthink peerpressure
anyways where did i say goyslop is better, you do know there are quality courses that do fill up an adult man and yes my minimum requirement is indeed that a bought meal should nourish me
I'm the one larping when you act as a roman warrior despite being unable to afford a quality meal or do anything of relevance with your life?
I hope the sour grapes at least taste good retard, I bet you consider Safeway ground beef a nourishing healthy meal lmao
this is projecting, everyone can go and pay for the meal you posted because i can tell from the lack of surroundings in your pics it aint that high class
i dont even know what safeway ground beef is, i actually live in a country with a real cuisinary tradition and buy my food which i prepare myself to my very own distinct taste directly from the free range farm
yes i know the horror actually cooking your own food
You can only make it when you learn to love your chains. You'll see then that you're far better off in bondage, but too late, off you go to Hell.
shitlink hodler confirmed
Lmfao sure you can afford it that's why you spend all your time complaining. I'll bite though even though you are probably a literal third worlder, what is a high class meal to you? You spend your own time to make your food and somehow seem to know what is high class? I thought op was the most delusional but you somehow managed to even go beyond him impressive
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look bud, you don't "deserve" anything okay? you're not entitled to shit, if faggots can make thousands farming tokens on the unicorn chain then you can do something about your shitty life condition but dont go around blaming it on the world because "you were born to be rich" what the fuck does that even mean? what the fuck are you even trying to say? you're unironically festering in your squalor like a little baby who just shat on himself while yelling "mama mama the economy is fucking me woe is me bwaaa"
grow a pair of balls idiot

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