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are you guys ready to enjoy your 48 hours of freedom then back to the wagie cagies? How do we escape the 9 to 5 outside getting lucky with crypto
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Eurofag in a irrelevant country with a lot of employment rights and benefits.
I just need to get fired. After 10 years in one of the "big ones", i'm extremely expensive to fire. They have to pay so much money that just quitting is not worth it. And of course, I need to get fired under regular circustances, I cant just punch my boss or stop showing up.
That's how I cope. The day they fire me, I will have so much money (+ 2 years of benefits no question asked and almost 2 btc portfolio) that im probably going to spend a couple of years traveling and fucking whores around asia.
But these fuckers are taking their time, I even asked for more money to piss them off and corporate approved it. Fuck man, im fucking trapped
Man you pajeets are getting good with your shilling.
Kill yourself btw
Why don't we all actually get together, form a company and do something?
I’m off work for a couple weeks and already literally bored out of my mind.
Say what you want to say but it keeps people busy.
Not everyone wants to be a self reliant farmer or a neet.
Got a mandatory meeting tomorrow. Ugh… there better be donuts.
it's saturday tomorrow. what is your job?
He works at the LARP factory.
We need people like you.
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>outside getting lucky with crypto
nigga all you have to do is be a fucking degen and keep clicking, it doesnt matter the outcome, just keep clicking, keep holding, buy those dips, and keep fucking clicking, follow the money, its fucking easy, who do you think i manage to make a big bag with superverse? just fucking holding it and not seeing the chart lol, now op, do the same but with a token of your choice
>buys a coins
>keeps holding
>doenst go up
yeah nice plan
I work from home (meaning at 8 AM I open the lid of my laptop, log in, and then go back to sleep)
you just dont believe
>Replying to GTPs
Can you just start shitting your pants at work every day?
I stopped going into the office over 3 weeks ago. I am still doing my job, but I can also do my laundry and cook delicious meals for myself during work hours etc..

So far, only one person has confronted me, the middle-manager guy who asks me for help all the time and seems to have a generally positive view of me because I am leagues above the helpless normieslop cattle that are under his supervision. I played it off like "oh yeah I'm just breaking the rules lol" but you know that he is a normalfag and he's gossiping about it with other normalfags.

Anyways, life is a lot better right now than it was when I was going into the office. I have money saved up and am willing to quit or get fired, so it's whatever. In the first place, I am never going back to the office.

But also, other people have been asking about me and gossiping. My transgression has not gone unnoticed. Why do normalfags have to be crabs in a bucket like that?
I haven't worked a wagie job since a year ago. I've made it anons. I'm a millionaire
All I need is $300 a week and even that seems impossible. I just want a break got a few months. I don't think I'm asking for much yet life refuses to give
I'm a law student and just finished my internship at a big law firm. They offered me a permanent job after I graduate and take the bar next year, and the pay is $175k plus a 10% year end bonus for meeting a performance target of billing 1900 hours to clients (on a sliding scale to 20% if I bill 2200), it's expected that I'll bill at least 1850 hours to remain in good standing.

I'm a bit worried that this will make me a 50 hour a week wagie and I'll have no time to do anything but work despite the handsome salary. I didn't go to law school expecting to go into the private sector, but my grades were good so doors were opened to me, but now I'm feeling a bit anxious. Guess I'll give it a couple years and see if it makes me miserable or not.
I hate women
>what is the service industry
>what is engineers
>what is law, medicine etc..
Look at all you wagies crying in here kek

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