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File: blackspendingpower.jpg (43 KB, 532x311)
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Can anyone explain to me what is this, is it a meme or not.? I would appreciate any reading materials, or links that help me understand this fenomenon.
go back to /pol/
it's time to let go anon, you could be so much happier without /pol/ living rent free in your head.
Corporate hiring has shifted in favor of the negroid. This will contribute to the country's collapse in the coming years

Right, because the productivity doesn't match the hiring. It's an inefficiency.
Theres a growing population of African Americans who are smart enough to get redpilled by all the woke bullshit. If you are black and actually do well in school and dont have a criminal record you are fast tracked to a cushy 6 fig white collar job, but even that is extremely hard for them
You don’t even have to do well, just pass your classes, then go to university on scholarship money and pass your classes there
How do purchases have power? This doesn't make sense. You might be looking at some AI generated article, OP
I believe op's image attempts to show the amount of money blacks have left over after they've payed for their fentanyl, nike's, child support...etc.
File: naruhodo.jpg (8 KB, 261x216)
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Op here, I see /biz/ is as clueless as I am about this topic. I'm going to do my own research about it, if I find anything interesting I'll be sharing it with you guys.
Consider this thread closed.

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