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meanwhile solana chads pumping nonstop on Stacy pussies
I will never utilize a niggerchain
>muh utility
we're here to make money dumbass
dude if ETH dies, crypto dies.
check eth gwei, ghost chain, now go to tron and then solana users and activity
Next Terra Luna. Nobody is interested in keeping up your cuckoldchain once FTX subsidies run out.
it has always been about bitcoin or sound money itself, so this would not matter at all
FUD from 2 years ago is a sign of massive cope. Do better eth cuck.
Eth niggers and vitalik are the biggest cucks. Oh and Solana is a faggot jeet scam kike chain too
What's solana pumping to
watching ETH faggots cope all over the timeline as their dinosaur coin barely moves after a fucking ETF approval has been fun to watch
SOL is what ETH was last cycle, get with the program or stay broke and ngmi

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