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Kek, these faggots filed for a trademark with the EU as if they made the character themselves.
Did DOGE ever do this? Why would you need to trademark a meme that the internet as a community created....
For marketing.
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I know its for marketing, but im saying, did DOGE ever actually trademark?

I dont see how you can trade mark like this.... it doesn't seem right

I know DOGE had advertising on racing / sports events n shit, but i dont know if they ever got an IP trademark
stop hating faggot
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It's even more hilarious when you realize that they had to submit their request for a trademark to an institution called the "Intellectual Property office".
Intellectual property? What intellectual property? They don't even have the IP for the shitcoin, do they?
ahahahah yeah it's so hilarious! APU is going to zero! we're so damn smart compared to them

buy LINU
unironic top signal
Based Apu Apustaja
Now it's almost at 300mc and you fags had the opportunity to buy at 5m-10m and even 50M but you kept crying about it and fudding
And you will keep fudding and one day it will be at 1B-2B and you will still complain that you missed out.
yeah and now apu is sponsering a football team and a motorbike racing team :)
Time for FUN to trademark Mike before someone steals him too
Literally no one outside APU is fudding APU. its APU fags false flagging.
Its always been apu holders fudding apu.
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lmfao how is this real?

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