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Its forming a triple top, head and shoulders.

Its over, the bullrun is over, its truly over.

You've been warned.
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The chart don't lie.
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Since the snail hasn't posted yet, I'll post in here.
This may be a local top, I agree. We might see it go down until ~early September.
I'll be waiting and ready to buy.
>ignoring the generational cup&handle
kek, they really don't. We are about to reach the end of the handle, but still not quite there
good luck bobo, you are gonna need it in a couple of month
>triple top
=====you are here=====
>quadruple top
>quintuple top
>it doesn't matter it's 75k right now there was a dip from 88k sextuple top
Keep fudding until you miss out on the incentivized campaigns of the posemesh
Delulu… nobody will pump your shorts. U will loose all your money. You’ve been warned.

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