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...for the supply/demand forces to begin to take effect for the token, because my stack will have been accruing several percent per year for the last decade before the network is truly as irreplaceable as TCP/IP or HTTPS is today.

Did you faggots watch the product update? Fudsisters constantly harp on CLL's 500 HR roasties, but the fact of the matter is that if you hire 100 people, 50 of them will be practically worthless, 39 will be decent employees, 10 will be excellent employees, and 1 will be worth his weight in gold. Listening to what Angie had to say was like listening to Serg himself, but coming from someone with thirty (30!) years of background in capital markets. It's insane how early we got in. The ride has certainly been harder for the latefags and nulinkers, but anybody with the patience to wait out the time it takes to make the kind of transformation that's happening right now all around us will be rewarded accordingly.

luckily, i have everything it takes to wait that long. fud away, niggers
Its just embarrassing at this point

I told you chainlinkcels to get into apu when it was like $5M mc and you guys refused

Some of you bought, but then sold for a quick 2-3X to go back into chainlink, only to miss out on another 30-40X
holy fuck, we've got an 8-figure genius here. post your lambo, man, i wanna see it.
i hope it takes 20 fucking years to see even a 2x from here
fucking whiney ass bitch faggots
I refuse to believe anyone on this board is still in LINK, it was admittedly the last golden shill project of this board but everyone got off the train in 2021 at the latest.
Even the likes of ETH and BTC outperform it now, and are also much safer picks if you were concerned with that. Otherwise there are a million projects out there you can make more money off.
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I hope link goes to 0 and every linkcel jumps out of their windows
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Not only am I still in LINK but I'm accumulating as much as I possibly can, as quickly as I can.
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Financial nihilism has completely consumed both fuddies and shills. Crypto in general has begun to cross the institutional adoption threshold with BTC/ETH ETFS and yet fuddies completely fade this in favor of memecoins. In spite of adoption being closer than ever shills are completely demoralized because fuddies outnumber them and have manifested their self-fulfilling prophecy of nothing mattering or being real. The entire discourse around Chainlink and why it's underperformed or why it will soon overperform is fake and gay. 99% of posts about Chainlink are kabuki between spooks and bots to reinforce LGBTQ+ consensus reality.
You hold LINK
kek remember when link cuckolds were creaming their panties over this pic and then the price dumped
>i refuse to believe that anons who invested in the vision of CLL and the very barest of breadcrumbs wouldn't all of a sudden lose faith in the project after their investment slowly and steadily gave them a 50-100x return and all the breadcrumbs have lead to industrial-scale bread factories.

yep, just like the internet itself. humanity has entered a very strange time indeed. lucky for me, i can already afford to isolate myself and my family from the great, unwashed masses, but my linkies will ensure my grandkids can do the same.

that pic is amazing, just like Chainlink Labs and their token LINK (ticker: $LINK)
This. We're so made now.
Easy street.
Either weird cope or subtle fud
The guy in the picture is a HBAR baggie. Go look at his twitter.

Aside from the cringe wall of text from op. Yes you might make a 10x within the next 10 years.
Sorry to hear it. It's still relatively cheap so just buy what you can afford.
Bahahahahahahahahahahahah duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude just lose all your money bc of some russian posted buzzwords

THE Cuckolds of crypto
>I hope it takes 10 more years
be careful what you wish for, OP...

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