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File: btc halvings 2.png (484 KB, 1536x811)
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neet with no job here but a decent stack of 420k

explain why I shoudln't go all in inmediately into MSTR in order to profit from pic related in a turbo mode

i am FUCKING TIRED, i need 2 million inmediately.
You could have made $2 million if you just put $10k out of that $420k worth of ETH into APU a few months ago, youve been asking since back then too.... you need to start making HIGH RISK HIGH REWARD plays with a small % of your already $420k into shitcoins.

Legit take $20k out of that $420k and get into memecoins.
fuck MEMECOINS holy shit dont you see you have the risk of permabagholding forever some useless crap retard
This is the memecoin cycle retard, read the fucking room dumb fuck
>explain why I shoudln't go all in inmediately into MSTR
Because it could dump and then you'd be decimated. Not worth the risk.
Because this chart is going to be invalidated this year when BTC dumps to sub-40k and you will look like an idiot.
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dumbastic mongolongo
but what if it goes up
but it may go up again and people that miss the boat again will look like massive dumboids. imagine missing on the move while normies are in.
You're that youtube retard right? I thought you'd said in another thread you already bought a bunch of MSTR.
i dont know who you are talking about. i own some, just not all in, like 25%
You made your money from a youtube channel that got demonetized?
Why didn't you do this last year?

Anyway, if you want to go crazy high risk/high reward, the SEC is about to approve a 2x leverage MSTR. You ideally would get in during a dip
>Why didn't you do this last year?
the same reason as always: you think it's going to lower
from 15k to 7,5k is a 50% fall
>the SEC is about to approve a 2x leverage MSTR. You ideally would get in during a dip
I don't trust these ETFs. You get in at the wrong time and you are fcked.
Spend your time studying cycles so that you can time it perfectly. Look at the returns on the 3x leverage MSTR compared to just MSTR. You would have hit like 15 mil if you went into this back in 2022

Link if you wanna see the full chart

Forgot pic

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