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How much do you personally need to retire? What's your budget going to? Assuming you live off 4% annually from the SP500.
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you lost me at S&P
> t. 5 BTC stack early retiree
You retired with a nw of only $337,189?
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yes and the conviction that it will continue to grow significantly faster than I can spend it until I die
how do you live off it? just spend the bare min every month? Do you live in a LCOL part of the world? I'm in USA and honestly open to doing the same if I ever lose my remote job
"Living off 4%" means Anon thinks Bitcoin is going to go up, on average, less than 4% a year.

Anon is an absolute cockmongler. Eschew his breads. Sage.
Your "upper tier" costs are 181,200 a year so the correct question is "Given Bitcoin goes up on average 90% a year, how much Bitcoin do I need to own to take out 181,200 forever?" The answer is If you own Bitcoin you may retire on $382,534.

Now of course, Bitcoin's cycle is four years, not one year, with one shit year (red green green green) so you may want to double the figure to last a year without nogainz. That means your "upper tier" can be met using $765,068 in Bitcoin, about B11.42.

Thus, Bitcoin gives you Upper Tier retirement for $134,932 LESS than your bare minimum, and $3,764,932 LESS than your upper tier.
Hmm sounds good. I'm almost at 700k nw just from a shitcoin. I'm betting it multiplies from here and maybe it's enough to hit 5M, but in worst case if it barely moves within a year, I'll just sell to it cash, wait in a HYSA, then bet the farm on btc in a couple of years and live off it/retire somewhere LCOL like Thailand while I just stay patient, then level up to wherever I want.

Do you think that makes sense or am I being retarded? Sometimes retard is the same as genius though.
While your plan is coherent, I think you're being unfair to yourself by ignoring risk. To be fair, risk is easy to ignore because there's no way to chart it.

If your 700k is still in the shitcoin, then you're taking on risk. By your OP you're thinking long term (25 yrs even) and you've ignored every single shitcoin has absolutely shat the bed against Bitcoin over 4, 8, and 12 yrs. You've no reasonable belief that a shitcoin can somehow pull it back. Rather, you're hoping that Bitcoin mooning will bring your worthless crap up along with it. But this resolves as you making a play that you can call the Bitcoin top. And how many can do that? I would suggest reducing your risk by moving to pure BTC if you can do it without a tax consequence.

As you've said you've not reached your target, I'd take this opportunity to make mo' money from employment. $10,000 saved from working this next year would on average be worth $19,000 in current purchasing power at the end of two years. That shit will really add up
>you're being unfair to yourself by ignoring risk
It's a risk I'm willing to take. The coin actually made me go from 100k to mid 6 figs. I won't change sail until next year with this, so we'll see if it works out.
>this resolves as you making a play that you can call the Bitcoin top
I will dca out once the year goes by, won't have the problem of timing the very top, just close enough. I'm ok missing the euphoria-crazy gains for guaranteed good gains.

>I'd take this opportunity to make mo' money from employment. $10,000 saved from working this next year would on average be worth $19,000 in current purchasing power at the end of two years. That shit will really add up
True. I guess i'll just keep working until it's just very obvious to stop, which seems to be where working a job all year results in less than 4% of one's net worth.

So, maybe that would be $2M for me.
Big boy choices. Good luck, anon
Same to you, anon. Thanks for helping me think through this.
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I'm in USA and lost my remote job last November. Not major metro, but big enough town to have gigabit fiber. It then took several months on the broken job market to realize I can retire, especially if I manage to roughly time one more cycle top and bottom to increase my position.
> timed the last top for the down payment on my house
current burn rate including mortgage and marketplace insurance is approximately $3600/month. I'm still drawing down my HYSA emergency fund as long as possible, then next year will start selling enough each quarter to cover overhead and taxes - it'll work out to approximately $12.5k/quarter. I can coast like this in my comfy house until my wealth grows enough to take a step up in my house.
>I'm in USA and lost my remote job last November.
Also in USA, but still have my remote job (same place since 2021). Same as you, I'll probably just retire once I lose it. Likely will reward myself every net worth milestone with more days off/using up sick time until they eventually let me go.

>I'm still drawing down my HYSA emergency fund as long as possible
How much do you put away in a HYSA? I personally would have just kept everything in BTC while taking the smallest amount if you assumed the value would increase until 2025.

Overall, best of luck to you man. I feel I'd be you in an alternative reality. Maybe actually in your position at some point soon.
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$1000 a month for healthcare
how much would you budget?
about $0.75, however much a bottle of ibuprofen (1000 pills) costs divided by 12
i would get anxiety seeing the shares go down by selling each year 4% and hope it doesn't fuck up

wouldn't it be better to put it on 1 or 2 dividend ETFs like VGWD, ISPA and ZPRG and recieve the dividends? which is around 3.5 to 4%, this way you will never run out of shares

yes its retarded and psychological, but i just dont want number go down in shares only hoping the sp500 continues to perform above the speed at which you liquidate shares
does GB stand for Good Boy?
I just want the safety net.
1 million gets me a house, a new Honda that will last 25 years, and several hundred thousand in bonds. I'll keep 100k for investing.
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Bitcoin Genesis Block
> The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks
Earlier today i saw this infotainment channel, that made a budget breakdown and it's associated standard of living of various income levels in the US. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NfMdvee5HoY

Your $900K, is essentially the median American (the budget on the right), the budget on the left was $25K yearly salary - 4%, would mean $550K invested.
I guess your taxes would be slightly lower, and you also wouldn't have to spend as much on transportation.
Housing could also be cheaper, since you are not bound to a specific area where there is employment opportunity.
The real benefit is that you will have so much more free time, which you can use to improve your quality of life.
In Europe, you could remove healthcare expenses all together, housing is also cheaper, but taxes are higher..
I think ~$30K a year, $750K at 4% could buy you a good early retirement life.
retired from stocks
went to memecoins
$marv paid my rent.
I retired 10 years ago with 100k
since then I've lived in cheap countries and made significant btc gains
you are ignoring cost of living inflation and diminishing returns on BTC

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