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File: willy.jpg (49 KB, 526x517)
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Dom willy will exit scam in 5 weeks
The rug will be pulled.

Sell your ICP before its too late

It's over for use piss sissies. 3 cents is unironically programmed in the "Internet Computer" (kek).
the only reason to make an announcement of an announcement is so you can attract exit liquidity
Suffer in hell nocoiner nigger
I can guarantee I hold more ICP than you
What is a make it stack of ICP nowadays?
How is ICP better than Avax or kaspa?
It’s so cringe when the ceo shills his own project. Reeks of insecurity. Dude just wants to dangle carrot on a stick for last little bit of exit liquidty
>What is a make it stack of ICP nowadays?
Retards are say 10k, simpletons are saying 1k.
Depends how long you wanna hold for, I guess.
LLMs when?
100/1000. Simple as.

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