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File: home.d89b4c30.png (141 KB, 512x512)
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Anon who shilled APUI and PEEPU bottom here.
I have another eth cto gem tonight:

Website is fire and the meme is kino.
Coingecko already listed and theres no need to update it because team gave socials to CTO leads.

ATH was around 4M and current mc is 50k, seems like an easy x10 to me.
sure why not, rug the last $100 I have jeet nigger
>Website is fire and the meme is kino
and this line reeks of Curry.
yeah and those 2 fucking FAILED

I shilled the bottom tard.
99% of shitcoins always die, if you timed the top after my shills you would have made an x10 or even more.
lol this shit is fucking dead I can just tell, like a 6th sense hope your village ate for the month paki jeet nigger

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