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How does the IRS “know” how much I’m supposed to pay them anyway?
it all started from this thread
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Put me in the screencap
wait a minute....
That's the thing anon, they don't
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They dont. They pull a number out their ass and it's up to you to prove it's wrong.
Guilty until proven innocent.
They don't, but every financial institutions that sends you tax forms at the end of the year sends a copy to the IRS.
If you don't file a tax return, the IRS will use that data to come up with the least favorable estimate possible for your taxes based on what they know.
If you file a tax return, you get a chance to provide all kind of extra financial information that changes your numbers.
You could try to lie and omit facts about your financial activities, and even get away with it for a while, but if the IRS decides to audit you (perhaps because your tax returns happens to be a statistical outlier in a bad kind of way), you will get caught, and you will have a bad time.

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