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File: redavax.png (73 KB, 752x423)
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Explosive move to either side is pending imo
Avaxchan's explosive move after a big meal of kebabs
It is quite literally just a crabdumping piece of shit.
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>Somebody is fucking with this coin in the past 2-3 weeks
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you have to accept it avaxbro, it's over. The best thing to do is to flip to coins like $SUPER or $SOL.
Niggers are not holding $jeoing737 despite Biden's imminent victory
This is conspiratorial thinking. Be careful going down this road and believing in this nonsense. Once your mind that corrupted you'll no longer be able to distinguish reality.
AVAX has history of acting like schizophrenic coin before major moves tho
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the worst part is that Emin knows who is doing it but won't tell us. maybe he thinks we aren't ready.
Fucking hell the creator of my coins is a fucking grade-a schizo im selling
is anything still going on with firewood

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