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All my memecoins are barely going up or still
You chose the wrong coins, a few are pumping rn if you know where to look
4chan's own memecoin is literally pumping right now
depends, Superverse, PEPPE and others are pumping, while doge is on the floor.
Bro never bought any $jeoing737 KEK
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192 KB PNG
It's SO over
thank god i made this post theyre up 40% in the last 6hrs kek
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yeah its though my dude, hang in there, start getting airdrops and try to not sell so much, maybe go see if you're eligible for any airdrop in unicorn.meme, its not a perfect solution but it can really help you to not get so fucked by the market
I told you to choose commit that spare funds into auki pool but you paid deaf ears to it cunt
But gamble
348 marketcap
You're early
Very early
Very very early
And the usdt that I used in the stake to earn campaign of the posemesh has been steadily giving me points that will translate to an airdrop later. kek

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