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Presidential Candidate RFK JR: "I will sign an executive order directing the US Treasury to purchase 550 Bitcoin daily until the US has built a reserve of at least 4,000,000 Bitcoins and a position of dominance that no other country will be able to usurp."
This is not what satoshi wanted at all
sorry eth shill we don't have proof of stake. Controlling more BTC doesn't give you more power. US gonna stack sats and maintain it's worldwide power. you other people are all our footstools.
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>Controlling more BTC doesn't give you more power.
You just can dictate the price movements
>US gonna stack sats and maintain it's worldwide powe
Yes thats exactly what bitcoin was supposed to prevent
cry about it, number go up and US going to become world wide power
Budget expenditures have to be passed by congress. Good luck with that.
Yeah 2013 libertarian Bitcoiners were 100% different then you.
Also they made it while partially because of attitudes like you, you will never make these huge gains again, if it not crashed before.
We wont even get x2 from here before 2027
Both of these shitcoins are absolute garbage.
Attacking Bitcoin is cheaper since you can just buy miners or you seizure the existing ones as an authority.
Yeah i wrote wants, because its not gonna happen. But they celebrated him
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who cares? Bitcoin isn't ideological it's a technology.
I deserve clean white vagina
I fail to see the problem? This was the end goal all along. Everyone is going to be in a race to add BTC, the hardest asset in the world, to their reserves. It's literally game theory playing out on your screen.
Yeah le technology and le freedom are just a fallback cope. The primary concern of every crypto holding is selling for more than they bought so the government buying a lot is good.
dumping worthless bags on retarded bureaucrats is truly the ultimate exit scam

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