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File: pork.jpg (21 KB, 1006x528)
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I unironically just bought 1.2B PORK.

I missed it's launch on MEXC a couple months ago and right now it's below the launch price. I also own 65M PEPE. But I believe PORK is clearly antisemitic (offends both jews and arabs with the obvious reference to eating pork). Pork is also traditionally the White Man's meat still is the most consumed meat in all of Europe, with the exception of Bosnia and maybe Russia.

Long story short: it's a living meme and very relevant to the current state of affairs in the Western World.

I'm not even the guy who's been shilling PORK these last days but really this coin looks too based
wrong! chicken is the most consumed meat
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Most researches say continental Europe prefers pork. I'm from northern Portugal and pork is handsout the most appreciated meat. Specially in the chorizos.
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handsdown* sorry.
>cleary antisemitic
>created by a fat jewish narcissist scamming grifter

ye enjoy holding those bags. don't worry about pauly dumping on you, he makes his money by shilling shitcoins on solana and selling the pumps off his braindead followers
>prefers pork
>most appreciated meat
that's a completely different thing to most consumed meat
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So sad that people is falling on these instead of trusting $jeoing737
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kill yourself
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PORK can rip. chart has bottomed. good volume despite all the bullshit big community pepe beta and cexes onboard.
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alright king

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