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IF you buy silver you are a fucking baggie.
>can buy it from banks
>can't sell it to the banks
You are literally holding their bags.
Heavy, heavy bags lol. Same goes for all pm. You also pay a hefty percentage premium when you buy. And when you eventually sell the buyer will take a massive cut (they don't actually want to buy your bags either so you're basically bribing them).
My dad has 350k in metals (silver, gold, platinum, palladium)
When the dollar fails I will be part of the new aristocracy
You will literally lick shit from my toes for a silver dollar
Does calling people names you picked up from teenagers online make the price go up or down? If neither then I'm not interested.
I buy my neices and nephews silver for their birthday gifts and Christmas gifts

I’d buy them Bitcoin but my family said to buy them something they can physically hold

Maybe silver will be worth something in 20 years when they’re all in their 20s

Or it’ll still be crabbing like it has been for the previous 20 years
in a collapse precious metals might do a 3 to 5X at best
maybe you will be able to buy a house
worst performing asset class in the past 30 years
Does that apply to silver only among the other PM? What about gold?
Umm that's really good.
yes but 5x350k doesn't make you an aristocrat, it's just normal boomer tier wealth
It's nice to diversify with a physical asset.

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