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It's really not that bad. Post your grocery receipt. We can help figure out what you're doing wrong.
this, trim the fat
You just gotta buy things like eggs, rice, chicken thigh cutlets, etc. Cheap things you can actually make meals out of.
need rice ideas
spent 68$ today and got:
>rice 2kg (5$)
>dry chick peas (3$)
>two loaves of bread (8$)
>tomatos (5$)
>salmon (28$ 780g)
>frozen shrimp (10$)
>4L milk (6$)
>carrots (4$)
>spinach (5$ for a plastic tub)

Im trying to live on beans and rice but its hard I only have 20$ to last until next payday (August 14)
I'm spending over 1k a month at Walmart it's crazy
start farming memecoins from the unicorn.meme page, helped me get an extra money and get less fucked by groceries
Buy a bottle of bleach and drink it, you'll never hunger again.
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Try living in Australia
Stop buying salmon you retard buy chicken or pork instead, whichever is cheaper at your local store
That's fucking hilarious
>buy pufaslop
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I just paid $8.99 for ham, $4.99 for a bag of precut veges and $3.99 for 6 bread rolls and proceeded to eat $8.985 worth of food.
Actually that's not so that bad now I think of it.
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I even bought the fancy ham.
Also those bags of veges are great. They can be used with tendies for dinner or put in wraps or sandwiches. Great cheap healthy meals. Have some cereal for breakfast, eat some fruit and you're 1 meals away from a cheap day worth of food. If you're poor you can just fast for that one.
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>salmon (28$ 780g)
>frozen shrimp (10$)
That's more than half your bill
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Just kys, problem solved shitskin.
I only eat fish

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