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>tfw sold the generational bottom
rent free
They literally sold cryptos that they confiscated from criminals. That was a net plus for them either way. This wasnt an "investment" of some sorts.
It's really fucking embarrassing but at this point i'm used to it.
Name 5 things that country did the right way in the last 2 decades.
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what is that moronic language even saying
new-built, prefabricated house with no cellar for 800k EUR
>clearly says €800k
>somehow needs to know more
lol absolutely mogged South America and Asia (also applies for the terribly overpriced burger real estate market)
would you have expected an anti-crypto entity to do anything else?
Whoever pays that much for this retarded cube deserves to lose that kinda money.
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>entrance literally made from pallets
>lower part of the house is a couple of cm above soil
what the actual FUCK.
if someone actually bought that shit, I bet the previous and new owners were laundering money or some shit.
you don't understand
they have to invest in more important things that matter irl such as BBC refugee breeding camps fur neue deutsch
can only name 1:
>Crypto is Taxfree after holding for 1 year
they never invested into BTC, the coins they dumped were confiscated from Criminals.
they made 2 billion from it, even if they have sold at 600k, thats just 20 billion, lmao

good luck getting rich holding bitcoin, faggot
oh sweetie...

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