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Is this real?
Only 170k crypto millionaires in the whole world?
170k is a lot more than I thought there would be lmao. Keep in mind a lot of people only hold alts because 'btc too expensive' and ether is 50% of it's ath. If we were bulling and eth was at 6000 USD and alts were past their aths (at least ones like avax and link, anyway) there would probably be 10 times that number.
And I am one of them
how was this data collected? they probably just scanned addresses, which ignores the fact that most of us have multiple wallets + crypto on exchanges + are multichain. there's no way its accurate, but its as close as they could guess
Yeah only a retard would have everything in one wallet.
I have several unconnected wallets per chain
sounds like you don't count as a millionaire then anon.
If true it's likely based on reporting from insider sources like exchanges and extrapolations from normal wealth distributions seen elsewhere.

Still the numbers for 100M and 1B are incredibly small given all the so-called whales you hear about.
Checked and kek'd
What's up with the tentacled dude?
>had 6 figures worth of erc-20 shitcoin bags in late 2020
>never cashed out
>4 figures now
God I hope some of them pump again soon
It's less than that. Most people still don't give a shit about crypto or they sold it to pay for groceries. You have no idea how early you are.
have any 2020 defi coins even tried going up lately? the food coin era was wild.
People overestimate just how little most have invested hoping for a 100x.
people were saying this 8 years ago
1% of the world's billionaires are from Crypto but only 0.3% of the world's millionaires.
Straight up, QAN chads are gonna be flexin' on that list next year.
way lower on the centi millionaires then what i would have expected
Those are probably just counting wallet data. So duplicates should limit those numbers quite a bit unless someone is crazy to put their whole fortune on one wallet
That's a lot
i doubt they'd be able to use wallet data, but even if they did it would balance out since custody services and exchanges all mix money into few addresses too
that seems like a lot of people
how do you even do that
I can see holding for too long as in weeks/months too long, or round-tripping your gains in that kind of timeframe, but did you actually expect some erc-20 shitcoins to be a stable multi-year hold?
or was it like one of the above scenarios and you just decided to hope to not have to sell for a loss
look at all the link bagholders still posting here
they're just emotionally attached to ancient alts
chainlink is kinda different tho I think. i could see why some people would think that could be a long-term hold even tho it's an ERC-20
though after it skyrocketed from $0.50 you'd think you'd go ahead and sell at some point
it was a great play up until july 2020
but it was on the market <3 years until the btc top and its been over four years since then

holding alts is the path to someone elses wealth, not your own
shut it down
surprisingly not really >>58918337
>I hold everything in the same wallet and never revoke connections
nigger, a wallet costs 70 bucks
you can afford serveral 70 bucks wallet if you're in 5 or 6 digit hell
do you think he would be counted as one even if he had everything in one wallet? someone on /biz/?
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they excluded exchange addresses. if you look at the bitcoin wallet richlist, the top 50 are all over a billion, but most of them are exchanges. subtract the exchanges and gov seizure wallets and you get about 11 billionaire bitcoin wallets. there are a bunch of sub billion wallets that clearly belong to the same person though that add up to well over a billion. picrel. they probably counted this guy as a centi-millionaire 10 times. the numbers just aren't accurate because there's no way they could know who owns what onchain in order to be able to count individuals.
sure but they would miss all the billionaires using custodial services too. it likely balances out
>170k is a lot more than I thought there would be
same here
Kek. No fucking way there is a single Bitcoin billionaire using “custodial services”. Every OG has seen a thousand exchange hacks by now. Not your keys, not your coins.
custodians aren't exchanges.
In this context they are. Custodian being coinbase, Gemini, or bitgo.
some are branded as such, but they're firewalled from the exchange
i am no sure those are the same person, if it was a non round number then yeah certainly
but it isnt odd that multiple people would store a nice round number per address

how many billionaires and centi millionaires are there only on binance derivatives that dont even have all that much real stuff onchain
if i were to believe the totally not an add quite a lot its been told
And only companies and hedge funds use them. Anyone that owns a billion dollars in bitcoin isn’t using a custodian anon. Most billionaire wallets are probably dead anyway desu
They were all created within minutes of each over, all have 10k BTC, and all have similar last transaction dates. They were all funded by the same guy 100%
Nobody is keeping a billion dollars on exchange anon… unless they have 10x that much in cold storage. Do you even know any bitcoiners? Be your own bank
you would be very surprised then
besides, those who aren't are still following the same procedure as the custodians themselves. these aren't full custody solutions, they're not giving their key control to third parties.
Then the wallet would still show up on the the rich list…
those using that scheme yes, but few choose to at that level
saylor wouldn't show up personally or as mstr for example.
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170.001 once ondo and $rwa make me rich :^)
to be fair i thought it'd be more like 200 or something.
i think the real surprise is the incredibly low number of >100mm and >1b guys out there
I guess this means 170k keeps 1 mil in 1 wallet. Which is still incredibly small.
>170 bil / 2.3 tril
Seems odd
pareto distribution
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And a year ago it was only 85,000 millionaires
>Keep in mind a lot of people only hold alts because 'btc too expensive'
It is though. I will never become a millionaire from throwing my wage slave earnings into bitcoin
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It's fake, multiple companies, countries and corpo-burocracies use crypto to evade taxes, save money or just pure speculation (Salvador, Venezuela and more...)
They are indirect whales that uses multiple CEXes and wallets to rugpull on us, that's why I hold mostly re.al's RWAs
bitcoin is >100x less risky than when this was possible but there's >>100x the amount of alts with a similar risk
it's still worse off long term gambling on high r/r alts due to the sheer number of them, and where the flows go is insider dictated more than anything else.
its fake but also used by companies, countries and corpo-burocracies?
probably highly volatile when you count all the long tail of meme
>Yeah only a retard would have everything in one wallet.
does it make any difference if its on the same mnemonic?
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I lost 80usd on gambling today you should give me those coins back mr big investor

Don't worry you're gonna make it anon just give it another 30 years, worst case scenario just start robbing people
I already have a 100X. In fact I've got a 190X. Thanks, Bitcoin!
you bought btc at 300?
I have a career that pays pretty well. But when I got my job in 2015, I didn't expect to become a millionaire until 2034 with regular investments in stocks and my 401k. Thanks to crypto, I got there in 2021 and cracked $2 million earlier this year.
>Only 170k crypto millionaires in the whole world?
That sounds like quite a lot to me. And we're still so early.
And I’ll be one of them early in on TRIBAL with the TGE this week. WAGMI
You got rekt. If you’re looking to invest wisely, check out TRIBAL. It’s got some solid potential, especially with its unique play-to-earn features. Could be a better option for turning things around.
do you know how wallets work nigger

metamask generates one seed phrase for a combination of wallets
which adds no cryptographic security
>Only 170k crypto millionaires in the whole world?
and every single one is a /biz/ poster
i want to know how this is calculated, because im pretty sure the norm for whales is to distribute their wealth into several smaller wallets which means there must be even more crypto millionaires in the world rn, i dont think the numbers will change much tho, with the advent of unicorn.meme airdrops crypto is already a circling economy without too much margin of growth
i doubt its addresses since exchanges and normal usage would prevent counting individuals properly
By number it feels like biz is only billionaires.
6% of the world according to the chart total
bullshit numbers. there's a lot less than 170k crypto millionaires
I own 21 bitcoin.

.0001% of the entire supply that will ever exist.
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Would you guys believe me if I told you I wiped out 500k on ROSE?

I'm comfy with a nice house, a decent techstock portfolio but I aped 833 ETH into ROSE and spiked the price up a cent in January, made 20% of that, didn't sell, now it's worth 400ish

I still hold, which is the worst thing or either the best thing. I think the ATL of ROSE was like 3 cents so technically could crash another 50% from here.
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I just saw you on pol anon
Ha just got to 21… a goal i never dreamed of reaching. Why not anonymously brag to strangers on the internet like a douche bag
this... what's the methodology?
hint: there isn't any. this is just some image some fag created out of nothing
its one of those "wealth reports"
Probably Coinbase or some other custodian service.
It's weird being in unfamiliar territory like that. Very hard to think rationality. When you go from $8k to $250k in 6 months you will be very hard pressed to sell anything. You know it's the top, but then again, the top could be another 4x up in a few weeks. There's a strong chance of regret with either decision, but inaction always feels the safest.
I'm on both sides of hodling too long. For example, I've been holding BTC for 14 years, it's been okay so far, and I'm easily one of the 85,400. Yet I'm quite sure many a /biz/ genius would have geometrically multiplied my hodlings through clever trades. Not me though. Just hodl.
But then again, I've also been holding NMC for 13 years. NMWhat, you ask? Yes, exactly, it's done that well. In the same vein, I've dutifully kept my BCH at the fork and never sold either.
I'm probably just an idiot. A lucky idiot. Whatever, I'll take it.
knowing when it's luck vs skill is a skill in itself
all the lucky guys who bought link early and realized their luck sold last cycle and made easy 100xs. those who thought they were being rewarded for their intelligence bagheld all the way back down and still haven't learned why.
Six figures is also not enough to retire but too much to lose. It's the worst figure to find yourself making a decision at.
And soon I will become one of them once QAN hit $1
it's unironically too big to anymore
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Forget shouting about 6 figures, how are you actually getting it? Ever checked out NATIX’s green lights approach? Just drive with their app and you're already part of something bigger.
kek. the great minds of biz.
The total marketcap.
same, lots of larpers
thats a lot
already out of date now
Probably lost 50,000 millionaires already
yes, we are few and far between
Most people that bought BTC 10 years ago either sold it too early or lost access to them.
there are several posters here that have over 10 million networth. Theres even a couple that have over 100 million that post once in a blue moon. The majority of people that have been here before 2020 are in mid 6 figures that are one bull run away from being at 2-3 million usd
>Theres even a couple that have over 100 million that post once in a blue moon
oh yes, but none of them are dumb enough to dox their wallets so the only way you can be sure is if they never shill anything.
we probably had at least one billionaire too
99% of those are exchanges lmao
I will get a 100x from SUPRA.
Fucking based.
The same for almost everything else too. People are impatient.
Same distribution for the users who they hold funds for tho
>information on large crypto holdings from major crypto platforms such as CoinMarketCap, Binance, BscScan, and Etherscan
binance gives out data on balances?
Im pretty sure Saylor is using one of those commercial custody solutions for his own stack
>btc too expensive
then why does it keep getting cheaper
Yet there are these big wallets. One security mistake, and a whole town of wealth has moved to India or Africa.
>they probably counted this guy as a centi-millionaire 10 times
Almost certainly not
companies can always afford a mistake or an employee would take everything 10x more frequently than a outsider would
Not really a surprise. The very early adopters mined a shit-ton of it, then mostly bailed while it was still 1% of what it is today.

The biggest BTC chad I know mined around 22,000 BTC (not a typo, twenty two thousand) from 2010-2013, then dumped it all after MtGox at about $600/BTC. Sure, he made ten million bucks, but if he'd hodled, he'd be a billionaire today. Then look at the guys who bought and sold pizzas -- sold for "nice profits".

Sad! Many such cases.
Fuck off, pajeet scam nigger.
>14 years
Nice. Ten years here. Still not a millionaire, but I've lived for seven years off the $3000 I put in, and might hit a million this cycle.
In the past 8 years, things have flipped—anons are cashing in on memecoins, new web3 game betting platforms like Tribally are popping up, DeFi is blowing up, and more. Don’t be a clueless noob, wake up and get with the times
>mostly bailed while it was still 1% of what it is today
most likely never even sold
>seven years off the $3000
how much % do you have left after that?
Almost everything in money is a winner takes all thanks to compound interest
Buy an ad, kind ser.
what year did you start buying ?
Less than thirty billionaires yet we already know who >10 of them are since they're public exchange owners or known early adopters.
there're dozens of us
There's probably millions with 100k+.
Just use 25th words to split up, no?
>30 years

sounds like an age until you realize BTCs been out for 15 years already
And Eth didn't do too well so far this cycle either...
This is why I'm going to slurp SUPRA at TGE.
Buy EOS now its fucking cheap and get that 10x.
how many of those have lost their keys?
If they're using onchain data arent they're counting alot of early adopters that forgot their wallets or lost their coins?

How many of those 170 are still around?
eos is dead anon
I’d be surprised if Elon hadn’t shit posted here after reading /pol/
Catcoin is starting millionaire run
Binance imminent
How the fuck is this thread still alive
Imagine an ETF redeeming
LoL top kek

Who controls this place soon?

No worries it's all behind an encrypted wall of impasse. So... The time will come 'PoW' is the only way. Accountability, no more creation out of 'thin air' you will do the hashes goyim...

The system is going to die a 'hard death' learn to see threw the manipulation, as the numbers now are artificially hyped. In the end 1btc is just 1btc. Quit converting in your mind tranny....

The end is near folks.... And a note to the system, you fucked me so hard with zero accountability, I'll buy an army to crush the rest of you, and smoke-out the remaining snakes...

You zionistkikeNiggers are going to be strung up... The music stops soon....

Tick tock
Maybe even cz too years ago.
Pathological narcissists that spend billions to make sure they can place themselves at the center of a social media platform do not enjoy posting anonymously.
They don't see the point.
I am going to join them soon with my qan portfolio
>how many of those have lost their keys
Prob less than you think, 20%-ish.
What if youre a Billionaire because you own the exchange
This thread is almost a month old ffs. Biz is dead
everybody's been saying the music is about to stop for years but everyone's too greedy so they just started playing their own music instead
Most coins 20%+ down since that snapshot, too.
>This thread is still here
I'm fucking done with this board.
19 days kek
>thread created 8/28
biz,twitter/reddit, all crypto places are wastelands since last cycle ended
Kek weird this thread is still up
>*bumps thread*
>why's it still up???
>do not enjoy posting anonymously

Yea they post ''anonymously'' instead.
I literally don't know what that "means."
all fields.
Posting as anon while making it incredibly obvious who they are without saying it outright.
I think that's called LARPing?
Or at least it's indistinguishable from LARPing.
Can you imagine an idiot dropping subtle hints he's a chudillionaire on here? Everybody would be so impressed.
I mean someone like Elon posting ''anonymously'' while making it obvious it's him posting
Larps are everywhere here but most people don't even bother engaging anymore.
More like 170, on paper.
Also didn't he post on pol once? They can't help themselves.
It would be the opposite of larping because someone like Elon would be genuinely posting about their life, and would be indistinguishable from all the larping faggots who plague this website.
with all the 6 figure hell threads here yeah i'd imagine
even worse when those 6 figures are never in btc but some random coin that always ends up dropping 50% in a year
On paper you have even more with all the zero liquidity ICOs and their founders.
Even CZ has most of his money in BNB and he couldn't get more tan 30¢ on the dollar.
You'd think 170 million by the larping on here and Twitter.
>larping faggots who plague this website
Easier to sniff them out now we know how few wealthy cryptofags there really are.
we are bulling
everyone forgot old coins rarely do new highs early in the cycle
Any number on how many actually have 21+? it's got to be way under 1 million, maybe not even 100k.
Stop bumping this thread! JUST LET IT DIE ALREADY!!!
all 20 biz posters are very annoyed
I keep checking in on this thread to see if it died yet. I've had it on my Thread Watcher since it was posted 21 days and 22 hours ago. I don't even remember whether or not I posted anything in it. I will check right now by clicking my ID once I post this.
Fuck I wish I hadn't interacted with it at an earlier date. It would've been Kino if that was my only post itt after 22 days.
Save your fomo for shitcoins not bad threads kek
>several unconnected wallets per chain
if they get your metamask it doesnt matter how many wallets you have ur fucked
Security wise no but for example for airdrops or to hide
what race are you?
This is why I'm buying EOS and LINK now. I'm getting on that list soon.
If you want to join that club, buy SUPRA at TGE.
Pure Aryan brother, sir!
uh huh. say nigger and I'll advise you.
Nigger, sirs. Please do the needful.

2017 was seven years ago
seven years before that bitcoin had only been released for a year and a half

you think either of those alts are still relevant today?
Ok, buy a trezor NOW.
Get 2 actually. Split your coins. Have 1/4 trezor 1 1/4 trezor 2, 1/4 in metamask 1/4 in a cex.
Make multiple copies of your keys, store them safely, ideally multiple locations you can be sure no one will access.
Use multiple computers if you can.
Guess the number will rise once you include the vesta millionaires in as well
AI spammer is a begging jeet.
What a shocker, I'm a poorfaggot american mutt but I refuse to spam people demanding money
>muh gun to your face
You can't demand money, if someone wants to give it to you it's their choice, soon as you even joke about it in a demanding or insincere way it's like spamming a woman with dick pics, but you wouldn't grasp the fine details because you're brown.
It lived through 3 or 4 full market barts by now, eth was well above 0.04 too.
>to hide
If they have your mnemonic it all shows up as one list of addresses.
your only options are passphrases or long derivation paths. both don't help if you manage them on the same computer as the mnemonic.
Buy EOS while its cheap and become a millionaire. You are welcome.
its a pyramid scheme build around a database tech that is the worst solution to anything that involves databases, naturally only a minority of retards is going to donate their productivity and energy to a smaller bunch of scammers
I'm hopping on the train soon 'cause I'm gonna make it with Sui. Pin this post, fag.
You can only be one of them if you're holding the token of the project that just announced USDC is coming to its network, Faggot.
>Pin this post, fag
No need. This board is so fucking slow now your comment will be here til the next Bitcoin halving.
>til the next Bitcoin halving.
You've just given this thread an objective.
>its a pyramid scheme
Yes. A profitable one.
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This is why I'm waiting for SUPRA tge. Gotta drive those numbers up!
it includes lots of highly illiquid millionaires in many alts already, its a lot of people
but the solana playbook doesn't work anymore
Why is everyone shilling this shitcoin now?
The devs literally took all the ICO money bought btc and peaced out.
>eth was well above 0.04 too
Now back to where it started :)

only 11 bitcoin billionaires
sounds like bullshit
Ok lets finally discuss it for real.
If these 170k people have on average 10 million its already 1.7 trillion which is most of the crypto marketcap. If you assume 8 million average it kind of adds up.
A few big ones heighten the average so much you cant have many of them
The average will be more like 2 million since there's even more with 100K-999K that aren't being counted.
The distribution of all these things looks like >>58922702
are they counting the 9 figures/billionaires in the 170k though?

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