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>he fell for the learn to code meme
Bottom singal
If you think the short term job market means anything you are retarded
"muh postings"

all that really matter is total # of QUALITY jobs and if you can land one of them. I'm 130 IQ and still comfy in software no matter how many niggers, women or jeets you throw at the field

AI also doesn't do jack if you lack verbal IQ
>he fell for the learn to code meme
yes, and now I work 4 out of 5 days from home and makes 2-3 times more than the average wagie.
not too bad
I already knew how to code I didn't learn anything
show engineering pls. I have a feeling the samed happened with mechanical engineers
I was in this field before your graph even starts and all that's happened is that I've gotten massive raises because the average skill level of a coder has fallen off a cliff and corpos are doing everything they can to keep the real coders happy.
>get in
>get that fat SWE paycheck
>retire at 30, 35 tops
>get out
single digit IQ burger flippers on /int/ would never understand
Ai will take over coding in 5 years
That's enough time to make about 1 million pee tax, I'd you get a good senior offer
you just need to learn how to use it to do your job more efficiently. luddites who refuse to adapt will rope though. basically just don't be retarded
The most retarded midwit opinion out there. Literally a fear-induced cope. No, Rajesh, Mr. Boss does not implement AI in the company's workflow so you can work more efficient, he does it so he can no longer pay you salary. No, he doesn't care if you "learned how to use it efficiently". He will hire a student for 0.05/h to write prompts.
Most people in tech don’t make the $500k that a senior Meta/Google/Apple makes and lets them retire at 35.
Also why would you waste the best time of your life working 12-15 hours a day?
It's bottomed out, time to moon. I'll see ya when I pick up my lunch, wagie
that chart is retarded
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>I'm 130 IQ and still comfy in software
bragging about being a code monkey while the real verbal chads sit 3 levels above you sending emails all day making 400k
Buy High sell low
>interacting with people
not even 800k would be enough for that
>>he fell for the learn to code meme
just wait for them to catch on to not having any junior devs to replace the old ones in a few years
there simply are less jobs in the field now. what they get out of colleges will satisfy the demand, boot campers are out of luck.
>bragging about being a code monkey while the real verbal chads sit 3 levels above you sending emails all day making 400k
never claimed to be the tippy top, but 80% of this board would have a better financial life in my shoes

I'm transitioning to product though, because I agree lol
MemeCast will take off. Checkout the Tele, nostalgia hits people hard and everyone loves memes
Mr. Boss does not implement AI at all anytime soon because unlike you he doesn't have shiny object syndrome and he's not gonna bet all his valuable chips on a bunch of talentless unskilled faggots generating generic static landing pages in chatGPT with 0 understanding of how complex actual product infrastructure is
meanwhile copilot has been out for 3 years and it's like 1% more useful now than it was at launch

Just because junior devs no longer get hired doesn’t mean there are no juniors left.

At my company the engineers and excel people who want a career shift become the juniors instead of hiring them
He's going to replace (you) with people in other countries, because your entire job, as much as you believed it was a productive cog in society, was actually a tax write off and credit where Mr. Boss comes out ahead, and a provision of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (2017) that changed the IRS tax code became effective in 2022. R&D is no longer a 100% immediate write off, it must be amortized, and it can be amortized over a longer period if it is done overseas, so every company that expects to be in business in the year 2040 is playing the long game and replacing half of their staff with Rajesh and Chang. Part of this is tech companies paying taxes for the first time ever in 2023, so now that they're playing for real they're cutting overhead. It's odd that the Marxist squad is killing their own favorite industry.
billions retarded pretenders drive average price lower
We're on the same trajectory as Japan, but a little different.
We've already got our version of hikikomori (NEETS) and many are starting to feel like a lost generation
We've hit maintenance mode but people haven't fully realized it yet
Why would you want to amortize over a longer period?
I was fucking shocked when i found out how oversaturated this field is.
It is probably better for you to become a dropshipper than studying computer science. There are bazillion third worlders who will do this job for a fraction of what you expect.
In order to recognize less expense
to be fair we have had neets for as long as we had the welfare state
its really not the same as hikis since they are the result of a strong societies pressures and expectations and failing to meet them where the person retreats in shame
in the west we have crossed the point years ago where welfare leeches life in blissful happiness and are an example to their kin not shame
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literally a bell curve
coding is truly THE midwit profession
How do I get a job like this? What do I need to learn?
Really? I was in it three decades ago and all that happened was I got called a "dinosaur" and replaced by retarded unskilled pajeets because they were cheaper.

And yes, I was fucking excellent at software development.

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