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Don't expect too much from this market.

>I doubt we'll see a bullrun like the last cycle—there's little volume, liquidity, and overall interest.
>there's little volume, liquidity, and overall interest
sounds like I should buy more, thanks
Kill yourself anon. Rip
sounds like the standard sentiment you (as retail) are supposed to have in this phase of the cycle and at the end of the handle
So you're predicting this to happen? All this time??
I wish crypto had never existed so I could concentrate on other things
lol other things like?
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meme coins are the only free market left
APU number 1 used meme
APU number 1 meme coin
strangest shillllll
I feel that too. Been doing this for like 5-6 years. The amount of money I’ve cashed out hasn’t been worth all the time and attention it’s taken from me. I’ve been close to life changing money on multiple occasions though, so I’m fucking glued to it… I just can’t let it go.
You're just making things complicated. Don't make me fool you retard jeet.
Are you just realizing this?
dead internet theory is fkin real.

bot spotted.
I don't expect that. It's gross
Same here. The entire system has been a complete slip-up. I doubt we'll ever have a bull run like the last.
What a serious thread it is
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not a bot fren, just a slime on the internet
There is no bullrun? Why?
Bull run or not, I don’t give a damn. As long as I’m grindin’ hard on TriballyGames, makin' bucks playin' and betting on games with the homies, I’m good.
I expect FUN to moon hard
You're all gonna regret shsshshs
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Because crypto is a speculative market.
>not a bot fren, just a slime on the internet

then wtf is he saying?

sound like those mf from X.
he is useless. that's it
If you think there’s no bullrun, then find ways to earn even during a market decline. There are plenty of options if you use your brain, anon.
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The bullrun started, stopped, and is about to start again?
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Udinese just won 3-2 and is placed number 1 in SERIE A, they came last, last year
APU MEME MAGIC at its finest
You will come coping again after you must have missed the dip on qan
Go explore DePIN opportunities, anon, and you'll find what you're looking for in terms of rewards.
the more reason i have resulted into other earning means like socialfi and staking.
DePins are definately topping the charts when it comes to rewards.

all based on speculations
got to know about Hydro. i think it is a top socialfi platform for website owners
This narrative is about to explode in 2024 and beyond, but it’s still flying under the radar for many, Noob.
Based chad, that's one of the hottest emerging narrative in tech right now.
How funny
You're confusing trend with volatility.
Bitcoin has been on a 14 year bull run.

However, if your investment thesis is that your shitcoins will be lifted by an upward swing in Bitcoin's volatility, I have some bad news.
Go do your damn research, lazyfag. It uses tokens to incentivize users to crowdsource and build real-world physical infrastructure.
Go read the damn Messari report on this sector and come back to argue. Right now, you just sound like a retard.
That's why I'm not sleeping on this opportunity. I've been engaging with different related projects in this sector. Hopefully, it all works out in the end.
I just want a x100
I’m focusing on the one with over 45 projects building on it prelaunch.
I'd take a x20 desu
I got that with Krest and can scoop up more with its sister network.
Imagine that, it's still in pre-launch, and you've already seen good progress. How much more once the mainnet launches?
DePIN opportunities? What do you recommend, I personally think projects like vesta rwa narratives could be survive in the bear market
What about Silencio, Yom, Bistroo, or the others building on the peaqosystem? What are your thoughts?
I’ll keep an eye on Token2049; there might be a hint for something big.
I’ll go for the one that integrates LayerZero, giving access to liquidity from 80+ blockchains.
I'm not surprised seeing top projects jump ship from popular L1s to join this ecosystem.
Are these all launched on it or still building? I heard it’s been grinding in the Web3/IoT space since 2017.
absolutely. I don't listen to those low level jeet.
>However, if your investment thesis is that your shitcoins will be lifted by an upward swing in Bitcoin's volatility

That's often the case.

>I have some bad news.

what's the bad news?
That’s for smartfags who know how to pounce on any rising opportunities like a damn chad.
Based chad. It is offering the most real-world implementations for blockchain tech to date.
I think the developments are still ongoing. Let’s give them time to make it happen since it’s all about delivering practical solutions.
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I'm doing that with FIL that I'm restaking on Parasail
Absolutely. A ton of migration is happening, keep your eyes peeled, anon.
They’ve become home to over 1M machines pre-launch.
opposed to slaving 2/5th of your entire life away for a fraction of that money?
Crypto and finances may have exhausted me mentally but it beats having a normal 9-5 where it not only exhausts you mentally, it drains your very soul
Seeing the restaking reward on Parasail, I hope we get more DePIN tokens on it soon
Can't rise above fear. ngmi
Yes, the builders migrating from other chains is already a huge sign. Not many people realize this.
The crypto market has been oversaturated.
There’s gotta be a reason for this, considering how the ecosystem keeps growing.
Everything is possible in the wild west of crypto, don't start jumping to conclusions, faggot.
Figured many projects are migrating to the peaqosystem.
Let the ranjeet go fearful. It keeps hunting them down.
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apeepee apupu
Their market is coming. But it doesn't seem to be now.
What the hell is that language?
Do you really need it?
Prove to them, wallet reveal.
Let's wait for the launch before making any judgments on its worth.
I'm not even mad, neutral markets are the best for botting.
I understood it. Are you ESL?,
It is already leading even before launch
scooping EOS on the dip is the option I opted for, perfect time to ape in as hard fork draws closer
I don't think so, likely because they haven't launched yet. It would be more appropriate to critique or appraise once they're live, since all the proposed features are still theoretical and haven't been put to tested in actual case, unlike many DePIN chains.
what do you mean pleb?

It's either a bull run or bear market.
If those builders are serious about real, long-term development, they would migrate to them as soon as possible to see results.
Yes sentiment is ripe with it. Im loading up while i can lmao.
everything is vaporware

Don't be delusional here retard.
Many chains have already proven themselves with real-world use cases, and that’s the standard they’ll need to meet.
Exactly, but many have also proposed meeting and exceeding this standard, only to eventually fail to catch up over time.

what makes you think this will be different?
That’s a fair point, and I'm talking about a project that is set to break the mold with real-world utility for machines, vehicles, and devices. How do you feel now?
I don’t understand why you’re saying this and why you remain ignorant when it comes to this sector, or do you just want to make a mess of your life?
I don't expect anything although I occasionally feed my main character complex out of boredom.
You can't blame those for they can't deliver.
Anoder dba spotted. You don't need to educate me about DePIN. axxhole.
Then why focus your energy on those that only make promises? Prioritize those who truly deliver. It's that simple.
have you been diagnosed with autism yet?
That's possible, but let's not generalize—most may fail, but not all will.
I don't think it will. They've been building since 2017, and even CertiK has audited their security framework, ranking them 3rd. I see absolutely nothing to argue about here.
If you fade up with the market, sell ya bags to me at a discount. kekek

go kys
That's why algo trading is better for me.
Some people are just tired of those, and many plans have ended up failing. But, if those devs and projects are really worth the time and investment, then it's worth pursuing.
I get and understand, but having 50 DePIN projects in an ecosystem isn't a coincidence; it's the result of dedicated work and advanced compelling features.
Tribally as an entertainment and Web3 gaming platform
stop shitposting idiot.
I don't care about the market getting rekt as I enjoy sending more Boinkers to the moon in a fun and entertaining way.
who cares about T.G meme games? I don't. this is meant for third worlder.
I hope all these numbers will contribute to a better outcome in this sector.
That's huge for the peaqosystem.
What do you think about its upcoming listing?
Rn, no gain looks bigger and sweeter than EOS juicy staking.
Lmao, who cares about opinions when Superbots are handling my trades? Let crypto turn to vaporware, I’m just here to make cash while the party’s still going.
>You can still hop in the casino and enjoy the ride before it’s over.
Not if you're into artificial intelligence and decentralized physical infra like Natix
Lmao, "meant for third worlder", meanwhile, people all over are stacking shitcoins like it’s free money.
Keep coping while I focus on Memefi and Boinkers, 'cos rewards don’t care where you’re from.
The other day I saw SUI trending because. Massive narrative that.
They don't know that. So stop wasting your time.
Many people are hoping for solid price performance once it's listed on exchanges, but no one really knows. Let the market decide.
Hopefully they should. Depin is a viable sector that might emerge.
It is expected to launch big.
Exactly, except I don't drink and I don't know what phase it is.
Stop expecting
Why is that? If you know the project well and have done your research, you can at least speculate on the price or the developments around it.
>14 year old bull run

It’s an inflationary cycle retard
Take this time to DCA and stop complaining, buy solid altcoins like QAN and NEAR before they take off again
Ignore the faggot and DCA into AUKI, the bullrun is coming
this thread didn't age well
>doubt we'll see a bullrun
You must be eating your own words now. Lol

Might emerge? DePIN is here to stay. In a short while, even no-coiners will begin to leverage on the on-chain utilities they offer; probably Starting from the decentralized data management solutions to the decentralized computing products etc
The jannies don't know their job anymore
Care to elaborate on this?
OP is a degenerate. He has no prediction capacity
It will, as long as the devs continue contributing to this sector. Natix is one of the top DePIN projects to watch in the mapping sector.
I'm buying EOS cheap and I'm expecting fucking much from it.
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chillin with catcoin, dont care
A proper example would be Nuklai; as a decentralized data marketplace, literally anyone can leverage on that product to seek fair compensation for their datasets rather than leave it all for centralized data giants to benefit alone from data that you generate. They also have a data-centric blockchain to be launched soon where devs will have the opportunities to build their products on.
You should wait and buy SUPRA at TGE instead.
When is ETA for blockchain launch?
>emerging narrative
It's already one of the top narratives, anon, and AUKI is a total bluechip in DePIN that you can't afford to overlook.
Probably at EOY or Q1 2025.
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just accumulate all you can. buy EOS or RAM.
So, how did my Auki bag appreciate anon?
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Did we have the same kind of doomposting in 2020 too?

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