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Let's say you make money from a shitcoin, achieving a x100 or even x1000 return.

>What’s your plan, and how will you manage it to ensure you don’t lose it all when the market turns bearish again?
not a single person here is "making it" with shitcoins. you need money to make money. 100x your 100$ investement will get you nowhere and trust me no one here will invest 10k into useless coins. threads like these are basically the same as day dreaming about winning the lottery.
Probably just cash out and fuck off to a private island is we’re talking about a 1000x on a shitcoin. But say it’s something I only dropped a couple of grand on then probably tether it, buy some cheapies BTC and ETH, stake that shit and then wait for 2030 golden bull run and fuck off into the sunset.
Tell me you’re linkie without telling me you’re a linkie.
I am a S&P500 ultra normie. I dont believe in gambling.
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Why the hell are you here then? Nothing but degen gamblers, tech employees, and buttcorn maxis
>Why the hell are you here then?
curiosity and memes I also love to see cryptoshitters suffer.
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>I also love to see cryptoshitters suffer.

As a Webshitter who will toss a couple of grand on a shitcoin for giggles, not going to lie, that’s pretty based for a normie.
Cash out and buy VTSAX, VBTIX and maybe some riskier stuff like S&P 500 3x but that would be max 10% of my portfolio because I'm still bretty young
you forgot to mention jeets, tranime faggots, and bots
In no real order:
>get pilot's license and a fun plane
>move to burgerland on EB-5
>buy a big plot of land in a high desert and build a bunker-like house, or buy if similar available
>move most of funds into more stable investments, have some for penny stocks

IDK about kids and family, my dad did meth and left with his tweaker gf when I was a wee lad. I don't think there is a father in me.
Well yeah, I figured that was implicit. I meant the users who actually have a soul.
Unfortunately you're wrong with that.
keep dreaming boi
If I bank hard from this Boinkers and Blum farming, I’m straight up gonna dip for a vacation, chill there, and cook up some solid plans on how to throw that cash into more gains.
NMGI buddy
I’ll reinvest half in Peaq, which is launching this month, and use the other half to feed the poorfags.
Thank you!! I've been saying this for over 5 years.
I'm a millionaire in large part because of crypto. But I did it by putting almost 6 figures cash into BTC and ETH over the years. Because I'm close to 100% sure that I won't get exit scammed. I will never put even $100 into shitcoins.
Kek, based chad. I’d rather throw my money into the DePIN token with 45+ projects building on it prelaunch than waste it on shitcoins like a dumbass.
get into index fund.

but 100x is unrealistic as it stand now.
If I did make that kind of return i would cash out. It's not that hard to understand. Are you saying if you turned $100 into $100,000 you'd put all $100,000 back into something else and go for broke hoping for another 100x/1000x? Jesus christ you people are greedy.
I have 6k in apu right now and I'm trying to get to 10k before things take off. Speak for yourself, risk averse effeminate faggot
The hell is going on?
should i believe this lie or shill?

only a full will.
Enjoy staying broke, anon. If you knew how dudes are printin' cash farming memecoins on the TON chain, you'd be sprinting to hop on the train.
X1000 is just a damn dream
i would find a good landed property and invest some money into it. the others would go into ETH for restaking
>memecoins on Ton. kek

resstaking is good especially now that the market is down. i'm considering restaking Fil on parasail..
>>memecoins on Ton. kek
NOT, DOGS, Boinkers and Blum says hello
A 100x will make me a millions of dollars you underestimate how much money we have in this here.
My plan is to ask the chads what's the next x100?
Is that even legit?
Crypto is dead.
They're not but....
Dump 2 mil into the s&p 500, or bonds if it's really looking grim.
Move to Baja California and chillax. Keep my withdrawal rate low and enjoy life.
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objective lie, i've making making money with unicorn.meme for at least 3 months and let me tell you, its the easiest, shietiest and most easy way to make money in existence. Im not even kidding here, its literally free money from airdrops and a couple of minutes of your time, i can see why you didnt make it with that attitude tho
If you think these assets will ever get you that ROI, you must be the d**best mf on earth.
really? idiot
I'm already working on my plan, which involves buying coins with their own blockchain projects that we can rely on for the long term, not those memecoins where you have to check every second to see if they crash or not, lol.
Memecoins are the real winner
Memecoins aren’t a long-term game plan; it’ll rekt you. The guy is just giving you a hint on what to invest in kek.
Making it with shitcoin? You better slurp in some qan dumbfag
I’d rather go for long-term utility tokens like Sui and Dot and hodl than waste my money on meme shitcoins.
Buying tokens on L1s like these has long-term growth potential. The ecosystem’s activity will keep maintaining the price balance, Anon.
It's not possible. Ngmi
time off before first career stint and maybe phd
Anything's possible in crypto. If you're planning long-term, look into ecosystems with serious potential that could rank in the top 3 for performance and scalability. If you’re not, you’re just NGMI, Pajeet.
I’m looking into gaming, has massive potential. If you’re sleeping on it, you’re just a clueless retard.
You're on the right track, anon. I think I'll buy more of your first coin option. Everyone knows why it's a solid buy.
Are you that dumb?
Definitely. When I checked the chart today, it had massive volume and OI rising.
Because you don’t know what’s cooking there. Even Circle is announcing native USDC on it.
We all know scalability is the real issue with blockchains. If the devs are focused on solving this, then you’ve made a good choice.
this memecoin huh? prefer staking on something secure like maybe eth or vesta whatever stable and long last projects
Sell it.

Invest everything in high dividend return stocks and never care about it ever again.
That indicates strong mass adoption and a big uptrend. Their progress isn’t surprising, tho.
I like that it provides a high-performance environment for dApps and smart contracts.
Earning passive income is pure gold, and grabbing tokens with huge potential is a no-brainer, anon.
ONEChampionship teaming up with them and their new mobile game being built on their blockchain is huge.
I like how they make it brain-dead easy for devs to pump out powerful dApps.

is L1 still a thing?

most are good as dead. the only viable one is just sol.
It's far better than the so-called 'crypto.' The entire narrative and speculation have been completely misleading. It's been nearly 150 days since the halving, and there's still no significant price movement. If anyone still believes there's a high chance of a bull run, they're seriously deluding themselves
Nay! If you’re shunning SUI and BSC, you’re just a biased retard making shit up on 4chan.
Everyone’s entitled to their opinion; it’s a free world. I still see opportunities and potential in this space, and I’ve been using market uncertainty to buy from poorfags.
I think he doesn’t know what he’s talking about, or maybe he’s just a Solana maxi, not realizing he could also consider other chains that perform better.
>how will you manage it to ensure you don’t lose it all when the market turns bearish again?
Cash out immediately after it hits 1000x, idk if you dumb fucks wanna get Jeff Bezos money or whatever, but it's never gonna happen playing around with virtual meme money.
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If NAI returns back to ATH then I might make it
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Turn it all into stablecoins and then travel around while I also blog about it to earn from Adsense and Hydro Online
one third real assets
one third derivatives
one third business venture
Sol is a solid chain, but he should also give credit to the other top 3 fastest blockchains in the world.
Kek, does that change the fact it's got the most downtime ever?
Great idea and I'm also using Hydro. It's a better replacement to ads based monetizing platforms
Those that genuinely bring value really matter. That's something to consider.
That's pretty hard niggas. Stop dreaming.
Good they focus on utility over artificial scarcity, making asset interactions actually valuable, unlike the usual garbage.
All of them boost scalability, speed, and performance of the blockchain, so I don't give a damn.
But only a few of them bring value. I don't know if I'm the only one who notices that.
How decentralized and secure is that? Ads platforms are mostly a scam.
That's possible only if you're a billionaire.
That's something to count into consideration.
My plan was to make it on LINK, it failed no now I have no plan.
>You all don't deserve my memecoin bags
What's to buy?
>private island

Hilarious when normies use this term. Like where?
Those are the kind of blockchain we talking about
That's like an opportunity for all
It's not about being biased, but about the facts. Many of the so-called L1 chains have a repetitive concept and approach that’s indistinguishable from existing ones, despite proposing to be more scalable. How many L1 chains do you think we have in Web3, Jeet?

just saturated
You sound much like a pleb now.

If you think I am, so be it. Which L1 chain has outperformed Solana in the last 11 months?

They are more scalable than most so-called L1s nowadays.
Maybe you haven't tried Sui's performance? It was hyped last year, and there were no scaling issues when I tried gambling on memecoins with this chain, and I had no problems with my transactions.
How scalable is it, and how many enterprises and dapps are integrated? I'd like to know.
I don't think that’s the case, but Anon is not in any way undermining the potential that L1 has. It seems 90% of Web3 users don't really care much about the tech, but rather the bags.
It's important to differentiate between hype and genuine progress.
Is there a difference?

Web3 thrives on speculation. Without it, it has no real meaning or value.
Why are you so close-minded, anon? The potential for enterprise solutions that could benefit from its features and capabilities is big in the long run. Why not explore it for yourself?
>no one throws 10k into shitcoins
Keep staring at the top 100 coins boomer lmfao
The key players among the major chains are the ones that truly make a difference. What else do you need to see?
Base and sol are the best. Few understands.
Why don't you tell me how many enterprises are currently integrated, since you seem to know so much, retard?

No doubt they are fast, secure, and use one of the most unique PL, MoveVM, and are now supported by USDC. But I'd like to know how many dapps and enterprises are actually working with the chain?
It's not about what else I need to see, but you're not making any valid points here. Tech-wise, they might be smart and ideal for smart contracts.

What edge do you think they have over other L1 chains?
I think everyone has their own preferences, so the choice of which chain to use really depends on their taste. What's important is how it brings real value to the world and others.
For meme coins, they are the best, but when it comes to real-world adoption, I doubt any enterprise would want to take the risk due to their past outages.
Are there specific numbers we should be aware of? I mean, did the devs announce a specific number in that area? I'd like to know too.
This is easy to check. Info like this should be on their webpage. They recently launched a program for devs to improve their products and partnered with MoviePass to help decentralize the movie industry. How much better could it get?
Quite right, but most of the time, preferences revolve around the best options.
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Passive income with some real estate form of business i.e. resort
Passive income from back tested trading bots
Treasury bonds
Real estate in other countries in case I need to flee to avoid war or whatever
I literally made it with shitcoins last cycle. Problem was I gambled it on leverage
That's a good start for mass adoption. We can expect more growth in this sector, especially considering the real-world impact of their chain.
Algo trading platform like SuperBots bring value to me. That's some difference.
Yeah, hopefully, there will be more to onboard.
When talking about mass adoption, I recall how Tribally gathers over 170k users on the Base Network.
Boinkers having close to 5 million users now is the height of it.
There will be much more to expect, since you can already see the results.
I made 200k from the 2021 run
99% of people who make it just have a high paying job and buy stocks and real estate. But since that is boring and unreachable for the majority of losers on this board, nobody talks about it. All that is left for them is gambling with crypto ponzis.
Maybe in trad finance, nigger. In crypto even mcdonald workers can make bank during bullruns
As a data analyst who tosses 1k into a random shitcoin every month:
I can confirm, he indeed is based.
AI and Depin are solid especially the peaq and fil.
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>10mil plus make it stack
>dividend stocks, gilts and treasury bonds - returning 8-9% a year
>million a year or so income, capital continues to appreciate over time
simple and verification not required
It's both a solid coin investment and a reliable blockchain for development.
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Just dump it on RAM, stake it on exsatNetwork and earn rewards in BTC.
If you seriously believe that you ow. the stocks which you buy from brokers then watch this documentary.

With my bags of natix even a little one, I don't have to work and get paid for a high paying job.
Stocks are for oldies. Look at the massive amount of profit SUI gives me recently.
You could see even more profits if you hold this coin because of its potential.
I wathced that it is bullshit if you're not utilizing algo trading in this era.
this. a lot of people here also refuse to admit that crypto has no real world utility outside of ponzi pump and dumps. it'll never replace fiat and /biz/tards know it.
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>no one here will invest 10k into useless coins
lmao, you severely underestimate how retarded and financially irresponsible we are in here
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based fren
I'm never going to make it.

So, my plan is ride out poverty until I decide to stick my handgun in my mouth.
Don't you know about the Sui coin? It's strange when everyone is talking about it.
never in my life im thinking of this shit
I will put 30% in BTC, put around 5% back into QAN and 5% into other altcoins
Once I get 100X on AUKI, I'm going to retire
10% BTC 90% in VTSAX, take dividends out to buy boomer metals. Live life as normal but with low stress knowing that I don't have to care if I get fired from my job.

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