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>Why Gold?

>Huge deficits in minerals such as silver by 2050 inevitable

>Bullion dealers
https://libertycoin.com/ (US)
https://www.chards.co.uk/ (EU/UK)
https://www.silburycoins.co.uk/ (Ancient)
https://www.luciteria.com/ (Other rare metals)
more at:https://pastebin.com/gZfZHtNE

>Numismatic search

>News and graphs

https://findbullionprices.com/ (US)
https://eu.compare.pm/ (EU)
https://www.gold.de/aufgeldtabelle/ (DE/EU)



>Nitric acid, magnets, and ping test

Previous Thread: >>58972757
Imagine if these generals actually had useful (up to date) links. With daily bullion deals, news articles and videos.

Why do you insist on keeping things exactly stagnant? Do you not care?
I just copied the op from a few threads ago, If its out of date or theres broken links feel free to post an updated version and i'll use it for the next one.
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keep on stackin, pmg
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>t. typical useless eater, only bitching, never any solutions of his own
Answer the question. Do you not care? What’s the point of getting excited about baking if you’re just copying and pasting the same shit every time?

I’ve baked before with my suggestions and no, you guys didn’t carry it on. You actually complained and reverted back to the 20-yr old template. Sus af
>t. typical rude and arrogant boomer posting the same old pictures every day
Are you literally an NPC? Only NPCs love stagnation and repetition like you do. Literally soulless.
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Make a baker's template.
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Always good to see my pics enjoyed by others!
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Thought id bought my last collector silver before the banker shiddening until someone posted that 2024 Rwanda Nautical Silver Coin in another thread so had to order it.
So you can ignore it and accuse me of being Jewish for suggesting improvements?
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This may be the last month we can buy Silver under $40 ever again....
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all exhibiting male PMS
everyone please ignore him and post metal
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>anon makes suggestions for greatly improving the general
>"male PMS"
This is why everyone hates your generation.

P.S. you clearly haven't bought anything new in the past 10 years if you're still hyped about your gay streetfighter coin
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So you buy degraded satanic filth with it?
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Calm down you simple ape!
>Coin shop near my has some silver rounds I want
>not open on the weekend
>close at 2pm
>cant get off work to early enough
Imma start SCREAMING
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My Excell actually works now
I found a price list from Degussa which they made public and update every 5 minutes and i took their sales prices from there for my list
The Gold price was actually pretty easy to get
Here's the catbox file
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What type of silver coin shop business closes at 2pm with the shit thats about to happen in the financial markets?
What kind of coin shop isnt open on a Saturday?
I'd like to buy some bars off of craigslist (actually willhaben which is a local euro version but same difference) ... someone mentioned in yesterday's thread that people are too worried about fakes but it seems so easy to get fucked over. I could easily imagine some eastern european foundry just producing a ton of fake silver or silver coated 1kg bricks and distributing them via a network of "private sellers" with like a 90% profit margin

Am I having a schizo moment? Should I just buy that fucking brick? All this crap like putting an icecube on it seems pretty unreliable
why don't you just buy from a real dealer?
these shops are ran by old decrepit boomers, least the ones in my area. he probably has to get home for a nap lol
at a real dealer i'll pay slightly above spot + 20% tax (yea it sucks) so i end up paying about 125% of spot. buying from a private individual there's a bunch selling at around 110% spot which is win-win for both parties. the "legit" traders here all buy at 80%ish spot, nmaybe 85-90 if you're lucky.
no, you shouldn't just buy a huge brick of silver off craigslist.
there i was hoping someone would explain to me why it's perfectly reasonable

träume, schäume
huge bricks are the most likely thing to be faked. you got no idea what's deep inside there
stick with 1oz coins/bars, you'll be much safer
yeah fuck you're right. thanks
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Suggested template on the "PMG Bake": tab here:
Might even replace the "Pastebin" link as the "Dealers" tab has more links and info.
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I don't speak third-world
there's exactly 1 (one) word in there that isn't spelled almost the same as in english, and you could easily pick up what it means from context
add ma-shops
Just get "sick" halfway through the day on a slow day. After all, you have Stackitis and there's only one cure.

Old people that just need something to do will run businesses with retarded, inconvenient hours. There's an RC shop in my area that's run similarly.
>Am I having a schizo moment?
Yes, but that doesn't necessarily mean you're wrong even if it's likely you are. Large bars are harder to check and easier to fake so you might want to stick with coins and rounds if you're buying third-party and feeling nervous.
Senators send letter asking fed for 75bps cut. It's so fucking over. Our time is near.
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They're here! They're here!
lmao really?
those look great
Dang they come with nice cases now? Mine are just in cheap boxes
Is it just me or is platinum super low?
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>here's your model for the coin face bro
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And this is why the Peace Dollar reigns supreme.
just because it's dumped a lot doesn't mean it can't dump further
Yeah but is there any reason why it would?
these are all up now
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morgan model was better looking irl
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Yup, rubbing one out to this
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>Is it just me
Pt has fluctuated between 850 and 1050 for years now. Now it's at its median.
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Boats :)
Just ordered one today, should have it late this week, early next.
these pictures are again making me want to start getting these
is that labradorite?
Very close! - larvikite (AKA "blue pearl")
Id seen them so many times before on here but never really took interest of them until i realised they are reverse proof.
>reverse proof
Huh... I never thought of them that that way, but now that you mention it...
>buy gold
>make ring out of gold
>retards buy the ring for more than I paid for the gold
free money glitch?
That's called artisan-added value, anon, you just discovered a job.
coins are made for images of ships, skulls, and birds (especially parrots)
anything else is trash
Digitz and this completely. Even in vegas, coin shops are run by the same people. Like clones.
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How does WW3 breaking out with Russian/China affect Silver/Gold Prices next year?
the one I go (went) to recently started closing on weekends and only opens by "appointment only"
wonder how hard they'll laugh if I ask for an appointment for 200 bucks worth of silver?
My local closes at 4 every day and is closed Sunday-Tuesday :(
I do something similar, but instead of Excel use python and scrape the gold and silver prices along with a few other assets and accounts.
I was asking that a few weeks ago. It has halved while gold and silver seems to have peaked.
It'd be rational to examine whether you're 'buying the dip' in platinum and/or palladium.
The responses were friendly here, but the consensus was the two aren't PM despite being sold as such by bullion dealers saying palladium was X times more rare than gold.
One decent argument was catalytic converters and electric vehicles, but I doubt that's sustainable.
Makes me think I was on to something.
>gold and silver seems to have peaked.
Gold has stay virtually flat for thousands of years. It's your dollar melting away.
Exactly that's why gold is awesome. It is stable as fuck. Fiat is for the gays.
>the price is the price and don't notice bubbles, just give us your money. You're getting in on the ground floor
>Give us all your worthless money asap!!
shills are awake.
Anyone heard of a site called wolfpack gold? It has this weird subscription model that my neighbor has and told me to get into it, which makes me suspicious. But he has gotten small gold coins and those paper gold dollar sets, I'm looking if anyone has any experience with them
>that my neighbor has and told me to get into it, which makes me suspicious
Sounds sketchy. Buy from other sources.
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theres no way in fuck id let my neighbor know i had pms. poor form boy.
This x1000
I've told my friends when talking about investing (they talk stocks, I just listen and occasionally agree) to diversify into silver at least. One's too lazy and doesn't listen, one's on board but is also unmotivated. The 3rd is skeptical, but I told him 1toz is a month is all he needs based on ~3 grams being the production per person, per year. That and the US governments historically kept ratio in the past of 1:16 GSR in currency, which should make silver be over $150/toz currently.
You gotta know your audience, but your neighbors aren't it. No one but me has the slightest clue how much silver I own. Back when I passed a mere 200toz I told my dad since he buys silver for my mom for her birthday. It was just over $20/toz and he said he bought some when it was $14.
kys cocksucker
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Leave classic /pmg/ pic fren alone, loser.
No. He posts the same stale shit everyday. He's a waste of post numbers and should delete himself (IRL).
Still far more useful than you ever are, lack of self awareness anon.
Wow, man, rude.
at least he's posting metal. You're a pollutant
God I love fondling these 3 coins.
What is everyone stacking nowadays? Im going to try and swap my bars for as much coins as possible.
Imo coins >rounds > bars
gold give me gold

I want only gold
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>classic /pmg/ pic
There's no other stacking community that prides itself on posting the same exact pictures every day. Wanna know why?
Because it's boring, unimaginative and lazy. Stop it. Get some help/new hobbies.

>lack of self awareness anon.
cringe projection
take a hint and help make the place better, not worse

>2 pbtid
>no metals
Anon's right tho. It wouldn't kill you to take new pictures and it wouldn't kill OP (and future bakers) to calm down, don't rush the next bake, add news links, add new bullion deal links, etc.
>wHy DoN't yOu BaKe ThEn
I've TRIED. You fought me over it, whined, called myself and others jewish, etc. It's time for YOU to carry on some changes.
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ok captain autism
ok projectionanon
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>Buy a couple of /mlp/ meme coins
>Flip them for double after fees
>Someone messages me to buy more
Ah, so this is the power of numismatics. I should've gotten more.
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More boats :)
Semi-numi, but yeah they're total memecoins
In 1 year people will wish they bought gold at 2500.
Money printer go brrrrrrrr
I like Silver but fundamentally its only good if the JPM cabal collapses which isn't likely in our lifetimes.
the GSR will go down over time, making silver a better buy than gold right now.
Means nothing.
says you, some random idiot on 4chan
Who made this?
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Somewhat related, the antithesis of MLP is the Fluffy. Intaglio came out with something called a "Squank" in their mythological creatures series, and it resembles the artist Carnivorous Duck's rendition of Fluffies.
I don't think they'd sell here.
these are the best!
>Means nothing.
yeah, until silver decides to blue moon play catch up with gold's uptrend.
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Fluffies, oh dem memories!
>babbehs need miwkees, huggies and wub
Dont kill mah babbehs, Skreeeeeeeeeeeeee!
Keep stackin’ bros
I dont like to dip into the meme coins but
Id buy a few of those
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The Queen of Gibraltar (near Spain)
I think they're outright pretty. I especially like the "Cryptonerds will seethe" icon. Don't understand the bowing rabbits though.
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>Don't understand the bowing rabbits though.
Those are jannies.
Oh! Okay... thanks!
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>called myself and others jewish
All you do is act like a whiny cunt so it make absolute sense.
any big news/recent developments to look forward to this week?
A better ratio to follow is the Dow to gold ratio, many times in history it’s been 1-1
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SHILLS have always been part and parcel in a stackers society...
>its dey culcha!
15 minutes to poast in here? kek
I really enjoy the silver kruggies versus the gold ones...
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For some reason i never really liked the Kruger design
I think the Springbock is kinda lame compared to the eagles and crests on other countries Gold and Silver coins
picrel is my favourite coin design aesthetically speaking for silver and im not even an American
Gold Brittania is the best for Gold IMO
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i like these eagles better...
>to each his own
Wait, that's a rabbit?
I mean I always thought the jannie character was some kind of dog
Stop shitting up the thread with your weird fag memes
Faggots love Funkos. Many such cases.
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Nice try glowieguy. You do more to shit up threads than anyone else currently here and yet your head is so far up your own ass you don't even realize it. Go back to >>>/bant/pmg
are the premiums on the new lunar coins higher than last year? they seem really high this year.
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go away dude
S-Stick your dick in it!
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Everything is higher than last year, friend
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>You do more to shit up threads
I'm literally the only anon who actually cares about making the general better. You, by posting that ancient picture, are just admitting to being part of the problem.

So the question remains: Why are you obsessed with stagnation? Why are you against adding news links, bullion deals and new pictures to the OP? Your attitude is the issue.

>Go back to >>>/bant/pmg
Tranny janny, is that you?

Why are you such an asshole my man? Anons want a change that benefits you. You're just being an insufferable grouchy bag of dicks about every suggestion.
>ancient picture
It's only 2 weeks old, and OC unlike yours which is clearly saved and reposted based on the file name.
>muh trannies
No one brings them up here except you. The absolutely live rent free in your head lmao.
>It's only 2 weeks old
Uhh, you don't seem to know what "oc" means. It's also terribly hypocritical for you to complain when you don't complain about the same Donald Duck or Scottsdale Mint silver bar pictures getting posted every single day.

>another 1 pbtid lying about the tranny janny presence
Ouch. They're definitely here.
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arguing with QRWuAIUt helps bump the thread which is nice, but other than that it's pointless. just post metal
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His infinite retardation amuses me recently.
>yOu DoNt KnOw WhAt Oc MeAnS
Like moron, I took the picture. I know how old it is. And he's clearly a schizo thinking every poster against him is a tranny haha.
>Like moron, I took the picture
...that's not what OC means. OC means original content. As in, it hasn't been posted before. If you've been posting it for 2 weeks (which is a lie) then it's not OC anymore. Not rocket science, not worth getting your panties in such a twist over.
Why can't you just talk like a normal human being about the general? Why do you piss and moan whenever someone makes a suggestion, acting like it's physically hurting you? Grow up dude.
Agree, perth mint has lots of gooks making gook coins.
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>they want to convince you that what you're seeing with your own eyes isn't real
>oh yeah and those videos of hattians eating pets aren't real and if you don't love BBC then GET OUT
>these people, man, they just can't handle the truth
>race isn't real and IQ doesn't matter, these people are just haters for no reason
It's really sad to see someone so smart succumb to a post-modern delusion.
Can you just fuck right the fuck off ? all you do is bitch an moan this whole thread.
>oh yeah and those videos of hattians eating pets aren't real
those videos don't exist, that's the problem...
>$30+ silver
>$2600 gold
Something seems wrong. The ratio doesn't make sense.
yup, it doesn't. silver should be $100+ by now. keep on stackin. like a beach ball held underwater, it will correct, and quick.
drama = views on poo tube. hes not stupid. Its all a play.
>projecting this much
Stop. You know my suggestions for the general are good and you’re just bitching (and making new IDs to bitch from).
ordered it :|
I don't speak Chicken. What is it?
1/10th ounce gold. i like the bears on the back
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unfortunately creased. that's not very nice.
Those are neat!
Why does it seem like so much more effort gets put into silver and gold backs than actual .999 bars and coins?
looks comfy, nice get
cuz some people want to make it into a real currency
bars and coins are mainly seen as an investment
it's cool that the state governments recognize the goldbacks as official currency
Symbol/mascot/totem of Berlin
You vil bump ze thread vith manufactured invighting.
maybe i live here

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So you didn't know the bear is of Berlin, Germany, but you're in a Berling, WI? That's one of those pretty cool coincidences in life.
>OC means original content
Yeah, I took the pic, it's my OC dummy. You are a special kind of stupid aren't you?
>not worth getting your panties in such a twist over
But that's exactly what you're doing...
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you don't understand. he saw the pic 1 time before, so now it's not original
kek, talk about main character syndrome
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>main character syndrome
If anything he's an NPC with un-skipable dialog haha.
>one off from 13:13:13 and one off from trips
Nice .50 BMG bullion though. What is that, 10toz?
yup, 10oz. i should take a new pic of it, it's covered in tarnish now
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>anon makes suggestions for a better bake
>"hE hAs mAin ChArAcTeR sYnDrOmE"
This degree of projected narcissism is unreal. You don't own this place, and yes change is OK. Especially if it makes the threads more informative. It also provides material to talk about.

But hey, that's just my "main character syndrome" talking lmao
>It also provides material to talk about.
extremely boring material
nobody cares about a few broken links in the OP dude
get a life
tf are you even talking about? I was obviously talking about adding new (working) links.
>all this gay bickering
But hwhy
here's some OC you son of a bitch
>new pic of it, it's covered in tarnish now
Yeah that would be cool!
Sell me your Holo coin please
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Neither. Just be chill like my cat on drugz.
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Lads, I ordered one of those "Cutty Sark" Rwanda Nautical Silver Coins the other day and the seller emailed me to let me know it was sent, who says the Germans dont have a sense of humour.
Because some of the pmg kids bleed over into a prepping community, I thought I'd post this here. Don't be a dick, I'm a pmg guy, though originally from the setf threads on /pol/, and I'm looking for a pmg perspective.

How do you all (the stable ones of you) maintain community with those around you? Most of my neighbors are completely oblivious to the world around them and have absolutely nothing to their name but car payments and mortgages. Most won't last more than a week with no power or food.

I'd like to resist the idea of "going it alone," if possible. I've heard of some communities in Utah and Idaho that are completely off-grid and self-sufficient, but wondering how that would work in the cities. My neighbors are good people (mostly), but vapid, NPC types, at best.

I have enough in metals for my family to last about a year if I had to buy fiat with it, but lately worried that, in the event of societal breakdown or civil war (as an example), my resources will only be used to move my family somewhere else. I just don't know where.

tldr; poorfag wants to know where to move his family to ahead of impending societal collapse. PMG approved states, rural communities, etc.
all of america is pretty much the same. just stay away from the cities and Louisiana
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You got one, right?
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Just watch the body cams. ANyone else exciting for FOMC and what that does to securities future. AKA precious metals prices?!
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i have a few. imagine not having one of these
>and Louisiana
i wanna buy precious metals SO BAD but the prices are SO high right now. i have a couple thousand bucks i could pump into silver and gold but it just seems dumb to not wait for a dip

whats wrong with louisiana? non burger here, just curious
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>it just seems dumb to not wait for a dip
There was anons in here a year ago when the gold spot was in the 1800's waiting for a dip back to the 17, 16, 1500's, they're still waiting.
buggy, muggy, and worst US state overall for health and crime
yea but knowing me i'll buy and it'll go down to 1000 immediately. i guess i should just dollar cost average my way into a coin stash over the next year. that would be prudent. but also boring

ic. i thought that would be california or whatever state chicago and detroit are in, but i reckon it's more of a local issue in those places
Do i sell my mining stocks before tomorrows fomc. I am up quite a bit on them.. Idk what to do bros..
You think a bunch of pirates and booty hoarders know what you should do with your mining stocks?
>yea but knowing me
taking some profit off the table could be a decent idea
i would yeah, stocks are fake and gay, lock in that profit and buy some metal
If you buy small amounts at regular intervals, it averages out. It's called dollar cost averaging.
Any fellow krauts here who can enlighten me as to why webshops insist on calling kruger rands "krügerrands"? the guy's name was Paul Kruger. no umlaut. pretty sure they dont even have umlauts in dutch / afrikaans. is this some mandela effect thing where one dealer started spelling it that way and everyone else just thought yup, looks about right
doesn't the umlaut just mean to pronounce it long instead of short
a couple thousand isn't much
that being said, a couple thousand into silver still gives you more silver than the vast majority of the world population, and even the u.s. population
but if you want to buy something cheap, go for newmont mining
I'll bet your vendor has a user response link.
You could ask them why.
just cause this looks ridiculous
it's rly most of the german vendors out there

no lel it's a different vowel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UDsRLGzIc6s
>it's rly most of the german vendors
Pick one. Ask a few. No-one here will know.
Is Kitco down
Newmont? That company that's still trading at the same price as 2011? I'd be looking at Fortuna or First Majestic instead.
>Error 500
I only buy their coins and firearms. Everything else is a waste of trading fiat.
Yes. The jannie is a dog, not a rabbit.
I thought an umlaut was a hooved animal
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for sure. it is just in good condition / ornate / neat looking so i posted it
>4th edition
Isn't that version censored?
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Is currently up for me.
>not sure about earlier
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Picrel: When lads?
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Should have purchased mercs instead…
>still 90% constitutional tho.
Next time
So my stack is roughly 6 ounces right now considering my bullion and constitutional is this a good amount for say possible eventual bartering in a economic collapse?
yup. i bet u can buy a cow for that come The Great Happening
Well it's a start. Keep stacking fren.
There is nothing fundamentally tethering the price of silver to the price of gold, the GSR is a complete fucking meme, gold and silver are worth whatever people think they are worth, nothing more nothing less.
You can have the rarest mineral on earth but if nobody wants to buy it from you then its value is zero.
ok zoomer, i'm really glad you were born so you could tell us that thousands of years of history are "a complete fucking meme"
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Don Durrett laying down a very interesting scenario for silver in the near future when asked about the possibility of another gold ban in the US.
He’s right tho.
How long have these been out? They’re allready at ass-raping levels on eBay
Fuck off you cunt and never return. You have added nothing of value to this thread except be an obnoxious prick.
The first one I know of is 2017 - Santa Maria. I haven't imaged that one yet, but here's 2018.
I just want a single 90% BU Peace Dollar at a reasonable price why is that so much to ask for?
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I'm in a similar boat. I think having neighbors is gonna cause issues once they get hungry. I've got one that is a very nice dude, networks with the whole street , y'know I put a blower motor in his car for him in exchange for a tire, but NOBODY has water. My old lady's family was giving me shit for having water stacked like Walmart.
Silver.is not for Goys like you

stop buying it
Agree, just swap the word gook with the word satanists
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>Perth Mint is full of Satanists
Oh rly? Tell more.
Yeah 2017 is first of the series I was wondering about this cutty dark release, they’ve been a year behind since 2021 and the Great Easternncame out in spring so I figured they were done for 2024
Unfortunately yes :/
I made a mistake when ordering and selected to pick the order up from the factory so shipping was free. Emailed, told them I made a mistake and that I needed it shipped. They shipped it. For free apparently.
all my niggas hate rossies
Oh! Duh. Now I get it. I got it from Apmex. I see they no longer even have it (BU), but I paid $39.50 a few weeks ago.
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>the obnoxious prick agrees that GSR is meaningless
yup, the GSR means a lot
How will the rate cut affect gold?
rate cut signals they have given up fighting inflation
should be bullish for PMs
Nice. I have 87k worth of gold right now fren
very good. of course it's clown world so there could be a short term dump, but long term gold is going to sky rocket
Unfortunately the markets are retarded and the opposite of what should happen, is normally what actually happens.
Back when the fed cut rates in 2008 and the market started dumping everything, gold also slashed 25% because everyone was just trying to get out of the market and into cash. But after the selloffs, gold started a meteoric rise - biggest since the 80s. Same thing will likely happen if you start seeing the recession kick in and everything starts crashing, gold and silver will go on sale - likely briefly.
I totally get it. I have a couple of rain barrels in the back yard and a berkey filter that should last us a few years, if needed. I'll eventually have to move to a more sustainable area though, since I live in desert/steppe, and water is scarce in summer and fall. Baby steps. I'm jealous of your water wall.

PMG related, converting fiat to PMG has real world prepping use. Dropping a silver coin/round in a water barrel preserves its freshness for longer periods of time and can even kill enough germs in slightly brackish water to make it safe to drink, if given enough time.

Poor amerifags: 1 silver coin every pay check, if paid bi-weekly, is less than $40 per check, and brings you a total of 26 oz at the end of the year. Then, if you get a decent tax return, pick up a few 1/4 or 1/2 oz gold coins. Fiat is dying, but you still have time shore up your finances, pay off your debs, and squirrel away some metals.
yup, we still have time to prepare, so use the coming months wisely
I've been waiting for precisely this to sell off some crypto and pick up more gold and silver.
well if gold is dumping, you better believe crypto is as well lol. so you kinda gotta sell the crypto first
>Dropping a silver coin/round in a water barrel preserves its freshness for longer periods of time
This isn't reliable or recommended. You'd need the water to circulate around the silver rather than just sit there. Stick to chlorine bleach.
>You'd need the water to circulate around the silver rather than just sit there.
so shake the water bottle, dummy
Question from the UK

Do you guys purchase physical coins/bullion, or buy ETCs/funds that invest in gold or silver?
Physical only. A substantial cyber attack, whether real or staged, could easily wipe out everyone's paper assets in the blink of an eye. The safest option is to buy physical and guard it like a dragon guards its treasure hoard.
Yeah I was thinking physical was better, plus having a gold bar sounds cooler.
How do you store your gold?
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>Rate cut
>35 Trillion debt
>Dollar reserve currency
Im not really a financialy literate person i just stack Gold because i like how it looks and because i know what inflation is
What does any of this mean exactly?
I hear it all the time but don't really understand it
What gold? If I did have any I'd bury it underground on some relative's property.
Gold bars are nice but if you're in the UK I think British Sovereigns are the recommended way to stack gold.
Government borrows money with no intention of ever paying it back, only making the interest payments. Interest payments are getting really expensive.
>protect against government failure by buying special gold which depends on government to hold value
Government bullion is a scam no matter where you are.
>Government borrows money with no intention of ever paying it back, only making the interest payments.
so a rate cut would mean that they pay less money for the money they borrowed?
well they need to borrow gobs of money every second of every day, so the current interest rate only applies to the new loans. i don't think old loans are retroactively effected by current interest rates, but could be wrong.

either way, interest payments are getting too high to handle. the one tool they have left to try to get a handle on this is... you guessed it, mass import of wageslaves who pay exorbitant income tax on their poverty wages.
This should explain it:
If you don't hold it, you don't own it, so physical, if possible. If it's not possible, then maybe shares in reputable mining companies. Or you could go the way of the author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad and buy the mines directly. Most serious people would tell you to spread your wealth around, but if you're looking at gold and silver, then physical in your hand is step one.
>tell you to spread your wealth around
PMs are wealth, everything else is just a promise. And in this day and age many promises are eventually broken.
>Government bullion is a scam
I agree, but there's something to be said for Sovereigns and Eagles, in that they're recognizable by more than just numismatists, and maybe more people would trust them in exchange for goods than some generic round or hand-poured bar. I mean, I have all of the above, but could see the argument from either side.
Getting very personal with the questions there Mr MI6 aren't we.
where do you guys hide your precious metals? i'm considering putting my gold coins into hollowed out candles. surely nobody steals candles. i feel like a large salt shaker might also be an idea. unless a burglar actually knows where it is that's pretty much gg for him i reckon.

>just buy a safe
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>Fed announcement
This is why junk owns. You get the low premiums and the recognizability.
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i feel somethin in the air guys
this is it. this is our moment
>it's real
Holy shit I thought you were having a goof.
what sort of stack guardian would you recommend for that type of setup?
get theatrical. cut a hole in a small tent. place tent in back yard. go inside tent in middle of night. use post hole digger to place vertical 4' shaft. drop 1' long 4" pvc or similar pipe, capped on both ends, filled with your shiney into the shaft. Bury. scatter bb's all over your yard. Someone would need ground penetrating radar to find your stash.
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floorboards are unironically the best idea. only the most intelligent of thieves would think to check em
>harvest moon last night
Fingers crossed the day of the moon is upon us.
This is amazing.
>another .50 bps planned later in the year
pm bros, we eatin good this year
Rosies are the best barter coin hands down.
>literally billions of them
>universally recognized
>standard weight
>lower wear than older coins
>small size
>ugly as fuck, so not even close to collectable
It's a start. You'll outlive most.
The most important part of being a stacker is the mindset.
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True, however
whatsa stack guardian

i'm a rentie :(

i feel like the problem with the floorboard thing is you can just rip out one or two and have a look around by popping your head through the floor
Mercs you don't need to check the date or ridges though. That's why mercs are superior.
>what's a stack guardian
oh buddy you're in trouble
gold? that's so dense in $/in^3 that you have basically every cavity in your house open to you
>your toilet is hollow between the actual pipes and the porcelain "body" (you know, the bit you clean when a woman come-- oh, ok, but you still get me)
>in the fridge in a bottle of "coke" (water with black food colouring)
>most interior doors are now basically hollow; drill a slot in the top and not even you will be able to get at your stash without a saw/hammer. same for most shitty ikea etc. furniture
>buried in the garden with grass seed on top and an old-looking sign that says "SEPTIC TANK - DO NOT DIG"
>actually in your septic tank, hermetically sealed and attached to a piece of iron so you can use a magnet to get it out
>perform some meat surgery and implant them into a leg of lamb, put leg in the deep freeze after it's gone sufficiently unappetising (for hungry thieves)
>get a hollow 2-part concrete "box" the size of a breeze block, incorporate it into your patio
I'm drunk and having too much fun thinking of this shit
Your being naive.
You are cattle on a tax farm. Here is how the system works.

>Privately-owned Central Bank generates fiat currency out of thin air and lends it to governments at interest
>Government disperses the borrowed fiat by any plausible means (Insert "muh favorite government program" here)
>Government taxes its constituents IN PERPETUITY to pay interest on the debt.

The current function of all western governments is to collect taxes and hand it over to the owners of the privately-owned central banks as interest on the national debt.

Government debt will continue to increase until:
(Annual Tax Revenue) = (Interest-only Payment on the debt)
...or until you stop them.
just test it. cut it in half. run an acid test on it. its not rocket science
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>Piss poor Photoshop images
>Tell us where you hide your metals

Lads, we're getting raided by the feds here, dont be giving up info to them.
yeah its a blast. this one just occurred to me: put the gold coins in a jar of pennies. noone's gonna take a heavy as fuck jar of pennies which adds up to like 10-20 bucks if even that. unless they're retarded. which is a liability

hey i made that image :( i'm stoned af but i put my all into it
>yeah its a blast. this one just occurred to me: put the gold coins in a jar of pennies. noone's gonna take a heavy as fuck jar of pennies which adds up to like 10-20 bucks if even that. unless they're retarded. which is a liability
ooo, that's a good idea
>most interior doors are now basically hollow; drill a slot in the top and not even you will be able to get at your stash without a saw/hammer. same for most shitty ikea etc. furniture
seems like you'll hear things roll around every time you open/close the door lol
Gold will be 3000 by 2025.
yeah, 3000 feels overdue
Just test volume and weight. if both are correct then that rules out like 99% of fakes. if it "sings" when you ping it (hard to do with a huge brick but still possible. just drop it and whack it with a wooden stick when it's in the air like you're playing the most expensive game of tetherball ever made) then that proves it's solid.
honest question:
What prevents the US government from resetting the price of gold, as they did in the last century? I mean, barring some sort of miracle, why wouldn't they reset the gold price in relation to the fedcoin, should they actually roll it out?
oh that's exactly what they'll do anon
and you will be amazed at the price they set for it
What did he mean by this
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you will be amazed
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i like the design on mercuries
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i own 40 of these but im not really that happy. they look like shit
probably something like tree fiddy.
A large dog.
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for under the floorboards? your stack is probably in gave danger
>just made 3,000
>want to dump it all into silver
>last bought silver two years ago (70oz)
>wtf are these prices
What do I do?
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>doubles in 10 years

Buy an oz of gold and the rest in 90%
Is it worth it at the moment, or should I wait a few months for it to dump?

maybe wait a few hours till it stops crashing
There is no reason to get anything besides physical silver.
Fun math, the spot price of silver would have to be roughly $275 per ounce for a mercury time to equal roughly $20, the going rate for something or other.
To put this in perspective, new production of silver coming out of the ground is enough for 3grams and that is for ALL investment demand and ALL industrial demand. So a $30 investment in a 1 ounce round is locking in a DECADE worth of one of the tightest and most useful commodities on the planet. It's uses are unparalleled in industry and the historical GSR and mining GSR are comically in favor of silver being worth far more than it is today.
why did panman abandon us
checked and wasted
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guys what's some sites where I (a europoor) can get some of those memecoins you guys keep posting, without too much of a premium? like >>58980843 ... when i google novelty silver coin, all i find are gaudy designs with flowers or animals on them, or unlicenced disney characters, with 100% premiums or more

i dont hate it desu. it's kinda ugly fine. it's a confidently, unabashedly retarded vibe. the font is boring. the background is bland. yet the fish fans out his tail in defiance, a stoic look on his face, not caring about the low quality design of the coin he's on. unbothered. proud.

> look up how much money is printed per year
> 4.5 trillion in 2020 alone
> about 15k per US citizen
where does this money even go? just more debt? billionaires?
>wtf are these prices
They're still the bottom
>why did panman abandon us
chicken memes
They cant keep getting away with it.
I'll bake a new thread in a sec.
>where does this money even go?
It goes to gov't-funded programs, agencies, and contractors. This means equipment (which in turn means manufacturing), and to employees (which means purchases of consumer goods and services). It's bad when the money goes into savings accounts, though the banks then have funds to loan. So interest rates are kept low to discourage savings accounts and encourage investments into things like stocks and bonds, and it mitigates the interest the gov't pays to maintain the national debt and stay solvent.
The gov't and banks hate it when you stack things like metals, because it's essentially a savings account over which they have no control and is immune to and even rises with inflation.
New thread:
I don't get this leftist meme.
Or is it implying that after Tyrone rapes Cindy, he should be given a free house and a 10,000,000 dollar check?
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